Special Collections and Archives

Support Us

How Can You Help?


Give us your advice on the collections and our efforts. Share ideas about collection building and revenue sources, and help us meet others interested to work with us.

Donate Materials

Please note that donations cannot be received on campus until they are formally accepted by the university.  

However, we welcome offers of potential gifts that enhance our topical collecting strengths, particularly archival materials that complement our unique subject areas. 

To facilitate donation consideration, please email speccollections@cpp.edu with the following information about the donation: 

  • Scope of the donation 
  • Condition of the materials 
  • Any existing donor expectations or restrictions 
  • Existing arrangement or description 
  • Size (number of boxes or books) 
  • Whether any donor support would be offered for collection care, processing, or supplies 

For rare book-related items, please provide an inventory (Title List template (XLSX)) to assess gaps in our holdings. Any appraisal or valuation notes to aid in the decision should also be included, along with photographs of the materials for review. 

Furthermore, please be aware that we are unable to accept archival collections or books with significant preservation challenges (e.g., mold, unplayable formats, broken covers or spines, etc.). 

In addition to providing the above information, a Gift-In-Kind Intent Form will be requested should the University Library be interested in moving forward with a proposed donation. Questions about this process can be directed to Jéanne Brooks, Senior Director of Library Operations & Development, at 909-869-6922.

Financial Contributions

Community support for preserving our region's history and our main collecting areas is essential. We welcome financial gifts to support our mission which will be used towards purchasing collections, archival supplies, exhibition cases, digitizing materials, hiring student assistants, and special projects like our planned renovation or to launch our fellowship program. To make a financial contribution please visit the University Library's donation page and select “University Library Special Collections Excellence” from the dropdown designation menu.


Create or contribute to an endowment. Honor a friend or loved one through a named gift to build and sustain our Special Collections and Archives unit. Endowments are the gifts that keep on giving. They include named faculty and staff positions or enable us to purchase materials for the collection and help us acquire needed archival supplies when state funds are not available or sufficient.

Oral Histories

If you have firsthand experiences with the history of our campus, the southern California Wine industry, Pomona Valley, the Arabian Horse industry, or other subject areas relevant to our collection, please consider recording an oral history interview. We also welcome help in conducting and transcribing interviews. View our Oral history release form (PDF).

If you would like to contribute in any of the above ways, please contact speccollections@cpp.edu. We look forward to hearing from you!