Dremel Rotary Tool
An extremely versatile, handheld tool that can be used to grind, cut, sand, bore, rough out, and finish small parts.
A handheld reciprocating saw used to rough-cut stock material to size and shape.
24" Plotter Cutter
A large format machine that cuts shapes out of paper and vinyl.
Dewalt Power Drill
A handheld tool used to drive screws, drill holes, and loosen/tighten bolts.
Drill Press
A machine used to create precise, vertical holes in materials.
Jig Saw
A powered hand tool with a reciprocating blade that is used to cut internal shapes or decorative pieces out of sheet material.
Scroll Saw
A narrow-bladed reciprocating saw used for cutting decorative lines or fine detail into materials.
Circular Saw
A handheld power saw used to make long cuts in sheet materials.
Hercules Miter Saw
A versatile cutting saw used to cut long stock pieces to different lengths and angles.
Laguna Band Saw
A powerful, freestanding machine used to rip long materials and make quick, accurate cuts in nearly any material.