Manager, Maintenance and Fleet Services
(909) 869-3030
About Lanterman
Cal Poly Pomona has embarked on an ambitious and long-range plan in conjunction with a master developer to revitalize the former Lanterman site into a thriving and active community that allows people to live, learn, work, play. The university and the master developer will seek input from the community on this unique opportunity for the region. The guiding principle is that the development support and advance the university’s educational mission and values, and benefit surrounding communities.
The university has been engaged in a selection process for a master development partner for the 300-acre site. This is an important milestone in advancing Cal Poly Pomona’s vision for Lanterman, in supporting the university mission and values and in contributing to the economic and social vitality of the surrounding communities and region.
The site, once operated by the California Department of Developmental Services, became available to Cal Poly Pomona in 2016 through a Memorandum of Understanding with the state. After a year of study and analysis, the university informed the CSU Board of Trustees that it was interested in undertaking the process to secure the property and begin the steps to identify a master developer to manage the process.
During the negotiation phase with the master developer, the Lanterman site will be maintained under the leadership of Mark Miller.
For news and updates, go to the Lanterman website.