Aerial photo of CPP letters at the Park at 98.

Financial Transparency

This website provides a clear and detailed overview of the university’s budget, demonstrating our commitment to transparency and accountability. Discover how funds are allocated to support our mission to ensure the continued success of our students at Cal Poly Pomona. The website outlines sources of our revenue, budget allocations, budget plan, and historical reports.

2024 - 2025: Where We Are

$400M Operating Budget

Cal Poly Pomona’s budget is funded through tuition and state appropriation.

$4.2M Deficit

With increased expenses, we anticipate a $4.2 million budget deficit.

Designated balances and reserves is expected to help close the budget deficit.

22,172 FTES* Enrollment

The CSU system expects enrollment to grow at Cal Poly Pomona.
*Resident full-time equivalent students.

Understanding Our Budget

Our budget outlines the sources of funds (revenues) and uses of funds (expenses). Revenues are allocated to the divisions for instruction, student services, programs, institutional support and operations.

Sources of Funds

The chart below shows our sources of funds: State Appropriation (54%), Tuition and Fees (45%), and Projected Deficit (1%).

FY2024-25 General Fund Operating Budget: $400M Revenue Sources.

State Appropriation (54%), Tuition and Fees (45%), and Projected Deficit (1%).  FY2024-25 General Fund Operating Budget: $400M Revenue Sources

For more information on sources of funds and incremental budget plan breakdown visit the financials page.