Zuoyue Wang

Zuoyue Wang

Professor, History, College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences

Media and Community Involvement

Gideon Lewis-Kraus, “Have Chinese Spies Infiltrated American Campuses?” New Yorker, March 14, 2022.

Daniel Garisto, “China Is Pulling Ahead in Global Quantum Race, New Studies Suggest,” Scientific American (web), July 15, 2021.

启铬,“种族歧视升温 南加学界谴责”,《世界日报》(洛杉矶版)2021年3月23日B2 [Qige, “Chinese American Scholars in Southern California Condemn Rising Anti-Asian Racism, World Journal (Los Angeles), March 23, 2021,B2].

启铬、张宏,“拜登任总统 专家:中美关系将缓慢进展但难续曾经亲密,”《世界日报》(洛杉矶版),2021年1月20日 [Qige and Zhang Hong, “Experts on Biden Presidency: Slow Improvement in US-China Relations But No Return to Close Ties,” World Journal, January 20, 2021].

BBC audio documentary on Qian Xuesen (H. S. Tsien, an American-educated Chinese space scientist and former professor of Caltech) China’s Rocket Man (also available on “BBC the Documentary” podcast) and companion article “Qian Xuesen: The Man the US Deported - Who then Helped China into Space” (“钱学森:被美国驱逐的科学家,却为中国奠定了太空探索基石”) by Kavita Puri, presenter of the program, both published on October 27, 2020.

Yasmin Tayag, “Deteriorating U.S.-China Relations Don’t Bode Well for the Pandemic: Global Problems Need Global Cooperation,” medium.com, July 24, 2020.

Chinese American Museum Panel Series: ‘Studying Our Past, Shaping Our Future’” (华美博物馆系列讲座《见证历史,共创未来》第二讲:华裔对美国的贡献; video on YouTube; Zuoyue Wang presentation in Chinese on “Contributions of Chinese American Scientists” starts at 24m), July 18, 2020.

Carlos Rydlewski and José Eduardo Barella, “A Corrida Pela Vida” [a race for life], Exame (Brazilian business magazine), June 2020;

John Ruwitch, “Amid High Stakes, China Is Fast-Tracking COVID-19 Vaccine Efforts,” National Public Radio (NPR), May 20, 2010;

John Ruwitch, “China Leads the Worldwide Race to Develop a COVID-19 Vaccine,” All Things Considered, National Public Radio (NPR), May 19, 2020.

Andrea Widener, “70 Years of US Suspicion toward Chinese Scientists—and What Those Caught in the Middle Should Do Now,” Chemical and Engineering News 98, no. 11 (March 22, 2020).

Mara Hvistendahl, “The FBI’s China Obsession” (on the US surveillance of Chinese American scientists during the Cold War), The Intercept, February 2, 2020;

Scott Tong, “Theft of Farming Secrets Is Backdrop for U.S.-China Trade Deal,” Marketplace Morning Report, American Public Media, January 15, 2020.

Cheyanne Thomas, “Zuoyue Wang Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science,” The Poly Post, January 28, 2020.

启铬,“王作跃教授榮任科學促進會會士,”《世界日报》(洛杉矶)2019年11月28日B4 [Qige, “Professor Zuoyue Wang Elected Fellow of AAAS,” World Journal, November 28, 2019, B4].

 “ 華裔教授王作躍研究中美科學 獲AAAS榮譽”《星岛日报》(洛杉矶),2019年11月27日 [“Chinese American Professor Zuoyue Wang Who Studies Chinese and American Science Wins Honor from AAAS,” Sing Tao Daily, November 27, 2019].

History Prof. Zuoyue Wang Receives National Honor,” Polycentric (Cal Poly Pomona), November 26, 2019.

Chu Guofei (褚国飞), “China-US Cooperation Key to Tackling Global Climate Change,” ibid., October 24, 2019 (Chinese  version “积极应对气候变化挑战”or “回顾中美气候科技交流史 积极应对气候变化挑战”《中国社会科学报》2019年10月21日).

Chu Guofei (褚国飞), “Both China and US Benefit from Transnational Scientific Exchange,” Chinese Social Sciences Today, September 26, 2019 (Chinese version “跨国交流促进中美科技发展”《中国社会科学报》2019年9月23日第3版 PDF).

Chris Mooney, “Trump Has Taken Longer to Name a Science Advisor than any Modern President,” Washington Post, October 16, 2017.  PDF

From China, to the US, and Back,” a (3m:18s) video associated with my Lyne Starling Trimble Public Lecture of the American Institute of Physics on March 23, 2016, part of its “Inside Science” media series, produced by Jason Socrates Bardi, released on October 6, 2016. Also available on YouTube.

Professor Sheds Light on the History of Science,” March 21, 2016, Cal Poly Pomona PolycentricPDF.

香港凤凰卫视,《中美科技交流密档:从冷战时期到奥巴马时代》,五集纪录片,第一集(“受审”)、第二集(“冰封“)、(第三集(“重启”)、第四集(“科学的春天”)、第五集(“奥巴马时代”),2015 年9月21-25, 2015 [Phoenix TV of Hong Kong, “Secret Archives in China-US Scientific and Technological Exchanges,” September 21-25, 2015]. 

Sputnik Moments: Science and Technology Policy from Eisenhower to Obama” (starting 36m:00s) and “Science Policy Roundtable,” Conference on “Ike Reconsidered,” jointly sponsored by Hunter College Roosevelt House-Eisenhower Foundation, New York, March 7, 2013. 

香港电台电视台,《华人移民史:金山客》第五集“二次世界大战与韩战年代”(其中有我介绍钱学森在美国被扣留的历史),2012年5月25日拍摄,2012年9月15 日播放 (Radio Television Hong Kong, Roots Old and New: Stories of Chinese Immigrants--North America, part 5 “World War II and the Korean War,” broadcast on September 15, 2012).  On camera interview on the experiences of the Chinese American aerodynamic scientist H. S. Tsien in the US during the McCarthy era (starting at 22m:30s).

History Professor’s NSF Grant Focuses on Cold War Scientists,” February 14, 2011, Cal Poly Pomona PolycentricPDF

Ad Astra’s Scientific Revolution Documentary: Sputnik 1,” November 23, 2009.  On the impact of the launching of Sputnik.

Maggie Witlin, “Science and Democracy,” Seed Magazine, January/February 2008, 62-63.

“Living in the Shadow of Sputnik,” San Gabriel Valley Tribune (also printed in Pasadena Star-News and Inland Valley Daily Bulletin), online version on October 3 and print version on October 4, 2007.

Television interview on Sputnik, broadcast on Time Warner Cable-CNN Headline News Local Edition in Southern California, October 4, 2007.

David Olson, “How Sputnik Changed the Inland Area,” The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, CA), October 4, 2007. PDF

Dwayne Day, “Blue Skies on the West Coast: A History of the Aerospace Industry in Southern California,” Space Review, August 20, 2007. PDF