Social media is an interpersonal-level technology that can provide physical activity support through social support and behavioral education. One popular social media platform is Instagram. However, there is limited data on whether participants trust the content delivered through this platform. There is also limited information on whether the social-media account holder plays a role in the acceptance of the content. The purpose of the proposed study is to determine participants perceptions of physical activity related information and social media account. The design for this study is a 3-arm randomized intervention through Instagram. Participants (n=60) will be randomized to one of three Instagram accounts (control, student, and scientist). Recruitment will be on a rolling basis for 2 months; once participants are deemed eligible, they will be enrolled for 4-weeks and will receive a weekly questionnaire to determine their perceptions. Participants will also be encouraged to participate in follow-up questionnaires at 2 and 3 months.