Terence G Young

Terence G Young

Professor Emeritus of Geography, Geography and Anthropology, College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences

Select Publications & Other Information



Published items below are organized by topic, but since some topics overlap an item may appear in more than one location

On camping

2022 - "Outdoor Imaginaries: The Emergence of Camping in Modern America" Mondes du Tourisme 21

2018 - "E.P. Meinecke and the Development of the Modern Auto Campground" IdeAs: Idee d' Ameriques 12(Automne/Hiver)

2018 - "Why Americans Invented the RV" Zocalo Public Square, September 4

2018 - "Murray's Rush" New York Archives Magazine 18(1): 11-17

2017 - "The Religious Roots of America’s Love for Camping" Zocalo Public Square, October 12

2017 - Heading Out: A History of American Camping, Cornell University Press. Catalog information available by clicking HERE.

2014 – “The End of Camping: Coming Home to the City” BOOM: A Journal of California 4(3): 70-75

2014 – “’Green and Shady Camps’: E.P. Meinecke and the Restoration of America’s Public Campgrounds” The George Wright Forum 31(1): 69-76

2010 – “On Camping and Its Equipment” Environmental History 15(1, January 2010):120-128

2009 “’A Contradiction in Democratic Government’: W.J. Trent, Jr. and the Struggle for Non-Segregated National Park Campgrounds” Environmental History 14(4, October): 651-682

2000 - "Camping In America: From 1869 to the Present" Arroyo View 12(2): 9

On parks, protected areas & greenspaces

Forthcoming - "Diffusing Conservation to Post-Colonial Africa"Geographical Review

2021 – (Co-authored with Alan MacEachern and Lary Dilsaver) “From Competition to Cooperation: A History of Canada-US National Park Relations” Environment and History. The link connects to an abstract of the manuscript on the journal's website.

2020 “Pandemics & Public Lands” National Parks Traveler (August 26)

2014 - "'Green and Shady Camps': E.P. Meinecke and the Restoration of America's Public Campgrounds" The George Wright Forum 31(1): 69-76

2011 - “Collecting and Diffusing ‘the World’s Best Thought’: International Cooperation by the National Park Service” The George Wright Forum 28(3): 269-278 (co-authored with Lary Dilsaver)

2010 - "In Gaia's Garden: Reflections on John Lyle's Approach to Protected Areas" An unpublished paper presented at the Lyle Center Faculty Seminar in Regenerative Studies and posted on the Center's website

2008 - "Urban Parks, Leisure and the Good Society" in Loisir et Liberte en Amerique du Nord, P. Lagayette, Editor (Paris, France: Universite Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV), 59-71

2007 - "U.S. Parks and Protected Areas: Origins, Meanings and Management" Historical Geography 35:5-9 (co-authored with Lary Dilsaver)

2007 - "U.S. Parks and Protected Areas" An edited themed issue for Historical Geography 35:5-213 (co-edited with Lary Dilsaver)

2006 - Four Visions of Nature Conservation and Democracy in the United States” in Naturschutz und Demokratie!?, J. Wolschke-Bulmahn and G. Groening, Editors (Hannover, Germany: Centre of Garden Art + Landscape Architecture), pp. 215-220

2006 – “German Influences on San Francisco’s Nineteenth-Century Greenspace” Die Gartenkunst 18(1): 69-80

2006 - "False, Cheap and Degraded: When History, Economy, and Environment Collided at Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park" Journal of Historical Geography 32(1): 169-189

2004 - Building San Francisco's Parks: 1850-1930, The Johns Hopkins University Press. Catalog information available by clicking HERE. Read David Kipen's review in the San Francisco Chronicle by clicking HERE.

2004 - Pomona Valley: Assessing Natural Boundaries and Greenspace a co-authored website by Montgomery McIntosh, Terence Young, and Richard Worthington

2003 - "It's Not As Complicated As People Think" LA Forum for Architecture and Urban Design Online Newsletter 5: Constructing Nature (Spring 2003) (an online journal)

2001 - "Moral Order, Language, and the Failure of the 1930 Recreation Plan for Los Angeles County" Planning Perspectives 16(4): 333-356

2001 -"Urban Parks" in The Oxford Companion to United States History, P. Boyer, Editor In Chief (New York: Oxford University Press), p. 582

2000 - Creating Community Greenspace: A Handbook for Developing Sustainable Open Spaces in Central Cities, A report co-authored with Travis Longcore and with a foreword by Peter Harnik for The California League of Conservation Voters-Education Fund: Los Angeles, CA

1998 - "Golden Gate Park" in Encyclopedia of Urban America: Cities and Suburbs, Two Volumes, N.L. Shumsky, editor (ABC-Clio Publishing), p. 328

1996 - "Social Reform Through Parks: The American Civic Association's Program for a Better America" Journal of Historical Geography 22(4): 460-472

1995 - "Modern Urban parks" Geographical Review 85(4): 544-560

1995 - "`I am my own authority': the landscape gardening of William Frederick Poppey" Journal of Garden History 15(4): 226-230

1995 - "Modern Cities and Nature" The Society for Philosophy and Geography Newsletter 1(2): 4-5

1994 - "Trees, The Park, and Moral Order: The Significance of Golden Gate Park's First Plantings" Journal of Garden History 14(3): 158-170

1993 - "San Francisco's Golden Gate Park and the Search for a Good Society, 1865-1880" Forest and Conservation History 37(1): 4-13

On sustainability and regeneration

2010 - "In Gaia's Garden: Reflections on John Lyle's Approach to Protected Areas" An unpublished paper presented at the Lyle Center Faculty Seminar in Regenerative Studies and posted on the Center's website

2003 - Commenter on "Prehistoric Landscapes and Finite Resources" at A Sustainable Future?: Environmental Patterns and the Los Angeles Past, a John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation Conference at California Institute of Technology, September 19

2000 - "Belonging not Containing: The Vision of Bioregionalism" Landscape Journal 19(1): 46-49

2000 - "Bioregionalism and Its Influence in Europe and the United States" An edited themed issue for Landscape Journal 19(1, Spring): 46-88

1999 - "Confronting Sustainability" in Sustainable Landscape Design In Arid Climates, William O'Reilly, Ed. (Geneva: The Aga Khan Trust for Culture), pp. 6-9


On theme parks

2002 - "Grounding the Myth: Theme Park Landscapes in an Era of Commerce and Nationalism" in Theme Park Landscapes: Antecedents and Variations, T. Young and R. Riley, Editors. (Washington: Dumbarton Oaks Library and Research Center), pp. 1-10

2002 - "Virtue and Irony in a U.S. National Park" in Theme Park Landscapes: Antecedents and Variations, T. Young and R. Riley, Editors. (Washington: Dumbarton Oaks Library and Research Center), pp. 155-179

2002 - Theme Park Landscapes: Antecedents and Variations, Terence Young and Robert Riley, eds., Dumbarton Oaks Library and Research Center Press.

Other topics...

2004 - 'Historical Geography of the Environment' in "Historical Geography" in Geography in America at the Dawn of the 21st Century, C. Wilmott and G. Gaile, Editors (NY: Oxford University Press), pp. 153-154

2001 - "Place Matters" Annals of the Association of American Geographers 91(4): 681-682 (An introduction to a "Forum" of papers I originally organized at the 1998 meeting of the Association of American Geographers in Boston.)

1998 - "From Manure to Steam: The Transformation of Greenhouse Heating In The United States, 1870-1900" Agricultural History 72(3): 574-596