Richard A. Kallan

Richard A. Kallan

Professor Emeritus, Communication, College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences

About Me

Richard Kallan (Ph.D., Northwestern University) is a Professor of Communication.

Over the years, Professor Kallan has instructed courses spanning four disciplines: communication studies, journalism, English, and business. More recently, his teaching interests have been directed toward mentoring students through his role as coordinator of the department's internship program. Most of Professor Kallan's research and publications focus on how language functions rhetorically, and, more specifically, on how writers use various strategies and tactics to create compelling messages that ensure persuasion.

Sample Publications

Kallan, R. A. (2020). Punctuation revisited: A strategic guide for academics, wordsmiths, and obsessive perfectionists. New York, NY: Routledge.

Kallan, R. A. (2018). Renovating your writing: Shaping ideas and arguments into clear, concise, and compelling messages (2nded.). New York, NY: Routledge. (1st edition published in 2013)

Kallan, R. A. (2005). Armed gunmen, true facts, and other ridiculous nonsense: A compiled compendium of repetitive redundancies. New York, NY: Pantheon Books/Random House.

Kallan, R. A. (2000). Teaching journalistic cogency with 55-word short stories. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 55, 81-88.

Kallan, R. A. (1992). Tom Wolfe. In T. B. Connery (Ed.), A sourcebook of American literary journalism: Representative writers in an emerging genre (pp. 249-259). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Kallan, R. A., & Denton, J. D. (1986). People’s people: An internal demographic analysis. Mass Comm Review, 13, 40-43.

Serra, M. R., & Kallan, R. A. (1983). Sexual egalitarianism on TV: An analysis of PM Magazine.” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 60, 535-38.   

Downey, S., & Kallan, R. A. (1982). Semi-aesthetic detachment: The fusing of fictional and external worlds in the writings of Leon Uris. Communication Monographs,49, 192-204. Rpt. in J. C. Stine & D. G. Marowski (Eds.),Contemporary Literary Criticism, 32 (pp. 433-436). Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 1985.

Kallan, R. A. (1981). The noncritical posture of American print journalism. Journal of Popular Culture, 15, 116-124. Rpt. in G. Rodman (Ed.), Mass Media Issues: Analysis and Debate (2nded., pp. 116-124). Chicago, IL: Science Research Associates, 1984.

Kallan, R. A. (1979). Style and the new journalism: A rhetorical analysis of Tom Wolfe. Communication Monographs, 46, 52-62. Rpt. in H. Bloom (Ed.), Modern critical views: Tom Wolfe (pp. 71-83). Broomall, PA: Chelsea House, 2001.