MinHyuk Kwon

MinHyuk Kwon

Associate Professor, Kinesiology and Health Promotion, College of Science


Associate Professor (2023 - )

Department of Kinesiology and Health Promotion, Cal Poly Pomona

Director of Motor Neuroscience Lab    (2019 - Present)

Department of Kinesiology and Health Promotion, Cal Poly Pomona

Assistant Professor  (2019 - 2023)

Department of Kinesiology and Health Promotion, Cal Poly Pomona

EDUCATION & Training

Postdoctoral Research Associate (2016-2019): Marquette University

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2015-2016): University of Kansas

Ph.D. Neuromuscular Control of Movement  (2015): University of Florida

M.S.  Motor Control  (2005): Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea

B.S.  Sports Science (2003): Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea


Full list of Peer-reviewed Journal Publications (H-index 13, i10-index 17):

Pubmed, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Academia, ORCID

Notable publications in the related topic 

  1. Kwon M. and Christou EA (2024) Visual Information Processing in Older Adults: Force Control and Motor Unit Pool Modulation. Journal of Motor Behavior, 56(3):330-338
  2. Delgadillo J, Sundberg CW, Kwon M, and Hunter SK (2021). Fatigability of the knee extensor muscles during high-load fast and low-load slow resistance exercise in young and older adults, Experimental Gerontology,154:111546
  3. Kwon M, Senefeld JW and Hunter SK (2020). Attenuated activation of knee extensor muscles during fast contractions in older men and women, European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2289-2299; IF 2.5
  4. Kwon M & Christou EA (2018). Visual Information Processing in Older Adults: Reaction Time and Motor Unit Pool Modulation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 120 (5):2630-2639
  5. Park SH, Kwon M, Christou EA (2017). Motor output oscillations with magnification of visual feedback in older adults. Neuroscience Letters. Apr 24; 647:8-13. 
  6. Wang Z, Kwon M, Mohanty S, Schmitt LM, White SP, Christou EA, Mosconi MW (2017). Increased force variability is associated with altered modulation of motorneuron pool in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(4).
  7. Park SH, Kwon M, Solis D, Lodha N & Christou EA (2016). Motor control differs for increasing and releasing force, Journal of Neurophysiology, 115(6). 
  8. Baweja HS, Kwon M, Onushko T, Wright DL, Corcos DM, Christou EA (2015). Processing of visual information compromises the ability of older adults to control novel fine motor tasks. Experimental Brain Research, 233(12)
  9. Moon H, Kim C, Kwon M, Chen YT, Onushko T, Lodha N & Christou EA (2014). Force control is related to low-frequency oscillations in force and surface EMG. PLoS One, 9(11). 
  10. Kwon M, Chen YT, Fox EJ & Christou EA (2014). Aging and limb alter the neuromuscular control of goal-directed movements. Experimental Brain Research, 232(6):1759-71. 
  11. Kwon M, Baweja HS & Christou EA (2012). Ankle variability is amplified in older adults due to lower EMG power from 30-60 Hz. Human Movement Science,1366-78. 
  12. Kwon M, Baweja HS & Christou EA (2011). Age-associated differences in positional variability are greater with the lower limb. Journal of Motor Behavior, 43(5):357-60.