Marta Albala Pelegrin

Marta Albala Pelegrin

Associate Professor, English and Modern Languages, College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences


  • “Visual Genres and the Rhetoric of Violence in Cervantes’ Persiles,” in a monograph on Cervantes’ Persiles, ed. Marina Brownlee, University of Toronto Press (Forthcoming, 2018).
  • “The Rise of the Spanish Vernacular and the Castilian Literary Canon: From Papal Bulls to Celestina to Vernacular Translations,” in Paradigm Shifts During the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance, Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance series, ed. Albrecht Classen, Brepols Publishers (Forthcoming, 2018).
  • “Humanism and Spanish Literary Patronage at the Roman Curia: the Role of the Cardinal of Santa Croce, Bernardino López de Carvajal (1456-1523),” Special Issue 'Princes of the Church: Renaissance Cardinals and Kings', Royal Studies Journal 4. 2 (2017): 11-37.
  • “Introduction to the Forum Wars of Knowledge: Iberian Imperial Hegemony and the Assembling of Libraries,” Pacific Coast Philology 15. 2 (2017): 166-172.
  • La Lozana Andaluza: migración y pluralismo religioso en el Mediterráneo,” Special Issue 'Nuevas aproximaciones al canon español de la temprana edad moderna', Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 41.1 (2016): 215-242.
  • Don Quijote ante sus traductores: un siglo de traducciones y adaptaciones dramáticas en Inglaterra (1612-1703),” Cervantes ayer y hoy, eds. Nuria Morgado y Lía Schwartz (New York: Hispanic Seminar of Medieval Studies, 2016) 53-74.
  • “La arquitectura del secreto entre Italia y España en los siglos XV-XVI,” ed. Wolfram Aichinger, Memoria y Civilización, Anuario de Historia 19 (2016): 51-73.
  • “Gestures as a Transnational Language through Woodcuts: Celestina's Title Pages,” in a cluster on Celestina's Visual Culture, Celestinesca 39 (2015): 79-112.
  • “Converso Migration and Social Stratification: Textual representations of the marrano from Iberia to Rome (1480-1550),” in Exile and the Formation of Religious Identities in the Early Modern World, coord. Gary Waite and Jesse Spohnholz (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2014) 141-155 & 237-240 (notes).
  • “El Arte nuevo de Lope de Vega a la luz de la teoría dramática italiana contemporánea: Poliziano, Robortello, Guarini y el Abad de Rute,” in Lope de Vega y la renovación literaria, e-Humanista: Journal of Iberian Studies 24 (2013): 1-15.
  • “Un códice misceláneo: la Comedia de Calisto y Melibea, Sevilla 1501, Rès Yg. 63, BNF,” Bulletin of Spanish Studies 86.4 (June 2009): 435-458.