Torres-Lima, Pablo, Kristen Conway-Gómez, and Karla Almanza-Rodríguez. 2022. "Why local is not enough! Constraints for adaptive governance in peri-urban areas. A case study in Mexico City." Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 4.
Quiroz-Ibarra, Ana, Pablo Torres-Lima, and Kristen Conway-Gómez. 2020. "Community Adaptive Capacity in Peri-Urban Natural Protected Areas: A Case Study Near Mexico City." Sustainability 12 (4416).
Torres-Lima, Pablo, Sandra Lee Pinel, and Kristen Conway-Gómez. 2018. "Adaptive governance for resilience of peri-urban socioecological systems." In Urban Resilience for Risk and Adaptation Governance: Lessons from the practices, edited by Grazia Brunetta, Ombretta Caldarice, Duvan Hernan Lopez, Jordi Morato, Marti Rosas-Casals and Nicola Tollin. Dordrecht: Springer.
Torres-Lima, Pablo, Kristen Conway-Gómez, and Rodolfo Buentello-Sánchez. 2017. "Socio-environmental perception of an urban wetland and sustainability scenarios: A case study in Mexico City." Wetlands 38 (1): 169-181.
Torres-Lima, P., K. Conway-Gómez, and O. Ahuitz Reyes Rivera. 2015. "Capacidad adaptativa de actores locales al cambio climático en geografías periurbanas en Latinoamérica. Notas conceptuales-metodológicas para su estudio." Sociedades Rurales, Producción y Medio Ambiente 15 (30): 161-194.
Escalona, Tibisay, Kristen Conway-Gómez, and Mónica A. Morales-Betancourt. 2012. "“Podocnemis unifilis” " In Biología y conservación de las tortugas continentales de Colombia, edited by Vivian P. Páez, Mónica A. Morales-Betancourt, Carlos A. Lasso, Olga V. Castaño-Mora and Brian C. Bock, 391-402. Bogotá, Colombia: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt.
Conway-Gómez, Kristen, Nikki Williams, Carol Atkinson-Palombo, Ola Ahlqvist, Eje Kim, and Miranda Morgan. 2011. "Tapping Geography's Potential for Synergy with Creative Instructional Approaches." Journal of Geography in Higher Education 35 (3): 409-423. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000299203200008.
Conway-Gómez, Kristen, Michael Reibel, and Chris Mihiar. 2014. "A predictive model of yellow spotted river turtle (Podocnemis unifilis) encounter rates at basking sites in lowland eastern Bolivia." Applied Geography 53: 9. 10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.06.026.
Conway-Gómez, Kristen, and Fabian Araya Palacios. 2011. "Discussing the Geography of Sustainable Development through an International Online Collaboration with Students in Chile and the USA." Journal of Geography in Higher Education 35 (2): 265-279. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000290404300008.
Conway-Gómez, Kristen. 2012. "Cross Cultural Research: Implications for Data Collection." In Reflections: Research Beyond Borders, edited by Lise-Helene Smith and Anjana Narayan, 95-109. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Press.
Conway-Gómez, Kristen. 2010. "Atlas: Amenazas, vulnerabilidades y riesgos de Bolivia (review) " Journal of Latin American Geography 9 (1): 185-186.
Conway-Gómez, Kristen. 2009. "Population Case Study: Land Use in Southern California." Population and Natural Resources. Association of American Geographers Center for Global Geography Education. Accessed September 23.
Conway-Gómez, Kristen. 2008. "Market integration, perceived wealth and household consumption of turtles (Podocnemis spp.) in eastern lowland Bolivia." Journal of Latin American Geography 7 (1): 85-103.
Conway-Gómez, Kristen. 2007. "Effects of Human Settlements on Abundance of Podocnemis unifilis and P. expansa Turtles in Northeastern Bolivia." Chelonian Conservation and Biology 6 (2): 199-205.