Fei Kang

Fei Kang

Professor, Accounting, College of Business Administration

Recent Publications

  • Research Interests:
  • Auditing; Corporate governance
  • Recent publications:
  • Hao, P., F. Kang, and C. Lee. 2023. Corporate social responsibility and non-audit service fees. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 30(5): 1327-1349.
  • Huang, X., and F. Kang. 2022. Do high-reputation companies pay more non-audit fees? Accounting Research Journal 35(2): 145-159.
  • Gomaa, M., F. Kang, and H. Pak. 2021. Student performance in online accounting tests: In-class vs. take-home. Pan-Pacific Journal of Business Research 12(1): 49-60.
  • Farag, M., and F. Kang. 2019. Auditing standard deficiencies identified in PCAOB inspection reports. New Accountant 782: 4-22.
  • Huang, X., and F. Kang. 2019. Are family firms more optimistic than non-family firms? Accounting Research Journal 32(3): 399-416.
  • Hao, P., and F. Kang. 2019. Corporate environmental responsibilities and executive compensation: A Risk management perspective. Business and Society Review 124(1): 145-179.
  • Huang, X., and F. Kang. 2018. Company reputation and auditor choice: Evidence from Fortune 1000 companies. Accounting Research Journal 31(2): 232-248.
  • Kang, F. 2017. Do family firms purchase more nonaudit services than non-family firms? International Journal of Auditing 21(2): 212-221.
  • Kang, F. 2014. Founding family ownership and the selection of industry specialist auditors. Accounting Horizons 28(2): 261-276.
  • Kang, F., F. Magdy, R. Hurt, and C. Wyrick. 2014. The association between PCAOB-identified audit deficiencies and small audit firms’ characteristics: Evidence from PCAOB inspection reports. Managerial Auditing Journal 29(8): 717-735.
  • Ho, J., and F. Kang. 2013. Auditor choice and audit fees in family firms: Evidence from the S&P 1500. AUDITING: A Journal of Practice & Theory 32(4): 71-93.