Jeffery L. Guyse

Jeffery L. Guyse

Professor, Advisor, Technology and Operations Department, College of Business Administration

Recent Publications

Recent Publications:
  • Guyse, Jeffery L., Huynh, Candice H., Keller, L. Robin, and Simon, Jay (2024) “When Are We Willing to Wait? Prescriptive Challenges in Evaluating Intertemporal Outcomes.” In M. Seifert, F. Federspiel and G. Montibeller (Eds.), Behavioral Decision Analysis (First Online: 31 May 2024). Springer International Series in Operations Research and Management Science. 
  • Guyse, Jeffery L., Keller, L. Robin, and Huynh, Candice H. (2020) “Valuing Sequences of Lives Lost or Saved Over Time: Preference for Uniform Sequences.” Decision Analysis 17(1) 24-38. Winner of the inaugural 2020 Clemen-Kleinmuntz Decision Analysis Best Paper Award.  
  • Guyse, Jeffery L. and Simon, Jay (2011) "Consistency Among Elicitation Techniques for Intertemporal Choice: A Within-Subjects Investigation of the Anomalies." Decision Analysis 8(3) 233-246  
  • Drezner, Tammy, Drezner, Zvi, and Guyse, Jeffery L. (2009) “Equitable Service by a Facility: Minimizing the Gini Coefficient,” Computers & Operations Research, 36, 3240-3246.  
  • Guyse, Jeffery L., Keller, L. Robin, and Eppel, T. (2002) “Valuing Environmental Outcomes: Preferences for Increasing or Constant Sequences,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 87, 253-277. 
  • Drezner, Zvi and Guyse, Jeffery L. (1999) “Application of Decision Analysis Techniques to the Weber Facility Location Problem,” European Journal of Operational Research, 116, 69-79.