Research Interests: Technology Innovation, Human Capital, Technology Entrepreneurship, and Innovation Policy.
Refereed Journal Publications:
Evan E. Johnson, Iman Hemmatian, Lauren Lanahan, & Amol M. Joshi, (2022). “A Framework and Databases for Measuring Entrepreneurial Ecosystems,” Research Policy, 51.2: 104398.
Iman Hemmatian, Todd A. Ponzio, & Amol M. Joshi, (2022). “Exploring the role of R&D collaborations and non-patent IP policies in government technology transfer performance: Evidence from U.S. federal agencies (1999-2016),” PLOS ONE, 17(5): e0268828.
Todd M. Inouye, Amol M. Joshi, Iman Hemmatian, & Jeffrey A. Robinson, (2020). “Counteracting Globalization’s Skeptics: How Diasporas Influence the Internationalization Preferences of Minority Entrepreneurs’ Firms,” Global Strategy Journal, 10(1), 123–173.
Amol M. Joshi, and Iman Hemmatian, (2018). “How do legal surprises drive organizational attention and case resolution? An analysis of false patent marking lawsuits,” Research Policy, 47(9), 1741–1761.