Deborah V. Brazeal

Deborah V. Brazeal

Full Professor of Entrepreneurship and Creativity, Management and Human Resources, College of Business Administration

Select Publications

Research Interests: Corporate and Personal Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Neuroplasticity. Listed below are a few samples of my publications.


Select Publications


2024 Schenkel, M, McDowell, B and D.V. Brazeal. Business Model Novelty and Small Firm
Innovativeness: The Relationship with Need for Closure and Creative Self-Efficacy.
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal.

2023 Brazeal, D.V., Krueger, N.F. and C. Van Esch. Innovations As Art: Using the
Childhood Magic of Play-Doh™ to Craft Entrepreneurial Ideas. Management Teaching

2022 Whitson, D., Brazeal, D. and M. Good. Rethinking Higher Education Post Pandemic.
International Journal On New Trends In Education, 13, No. 2. 1-17.

2016 Schenkel, M and D. Brazeal. The Effect of Pro-Entrepreneurial Architectures and
Relational Influences on Innovative Behavior in a Flat Organizational Structure.
Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 27, No. 2.

1998 Brazeal, D.V. and T. Herbert. The Genesis of Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship: Theory
and Practice, 23, No. 3.

1994 Krueger, N. and D.V. Brazeal. Entrepreneurial Potential and Potential Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Vol 18, No. 3. (Third most cited article in ET&P)

1993 Brazeal, D.V. "Organizing for Internally Developed Corporate Ventures". The Journal
of Business Venturing, 8, 75-90.