Dimm, C. (2021). Historical and philosophical connections: Aristotle’s virtue ethics and Kundakunda’s Jain ethics. New Delhi. International School for Jain Studies. in ISJS-Transactions.
Dimm, C. (2017). African Written and Oral systems of Thought as Philosophy. UCLA. ProQuest ID: Dimm_ucla_0031N_16481. Merritt ID: ark:/13030/m5pk5c1b. Retrieved from
Professional Development
Conference Presentations
Utopian Studies Conference November 2024 Austin TX
Teaching Area Studies, bell hooks, and Social Change
African Studies Annual Conference, Boston University Boston MA
Topic: African Philosophy and the Written/Oral Divide March 25-26 2016
Ways of Knowing Conference, Harvard University Boston MA
Topic: “African Philosophy, Deep-Knowledge, and Social Epistemology”
Research/Field Experience Abroad
Archaeological dig in Akko Israel; Tel Akko Summer 2016
Participated in UNESCO conservation and learned about the politics of conservation
Learned about the socio-political implications of archaeology and land rights in Israel.
International School for Jain Studies Program in India Summer 2015
Learned about the sociological, historical, and philosophical aspects of Jainism and incorporated these ideas into a thesis which was a comparative with Aristotelian Ethics.
Women and Gender Studies at the University of Buea Summer 2011, Winter 2012
Completed research on the industrialization of the palm oil industry. Completed interviews with park rangers, market women, millers, long distance traders, to determine the intersections of gender and development.