Steve A. Alas

Steve A. Alas

Director of SEES, LSAMP, SPIRES & Discovery Camp Programs, Professor of Biological Sciences, College of Science

University's Provost Award for Excellence in Service

Excellence in Service (University Statement)

Steve Alas, Professor in the Biological Sciences Department and the Director of the Science Educational Enhancement Services (SEES) has demonstrated exemplary service through his leadership of programs that support and engage under-represented students. Through SEES and Dr. Alas’ efforts, the CSU-LSAMP program, the NSF BioTIER program, and the STEM Success programs have helped over 2,500 students at Cal Poly Pomona. Major grants from the California Wellness Foundation, the Hearst Foundation, the Chancellor’s Office and the National Science Foundation support the programs and represent extensive, long-term efforts to improve the University through service by strengthening student success in STEM fields. Dr. Alas serves our local community through programs like the CPP summer Discovery Camps for K-12 students held at CPP and taught by the SEES students. Over 600 K-12 students per summer have experienced hands-on learning at the Discovery Camps. Dr. Alas has provided leadership to the Biological Sciences Department, the College of Science, the Academic Senate, and the Division of Academic Affairs as either a member or chair of multiple committees. His extensive contributions to our students, his department, college, university and the alumni association are befitting the highest recognition.

Awarding by Provost Sylvia Alva  Provost Symposium


Commencement Speech

From my own undergraduate roots here at Cal Poly Pomona, to the many years that I’ve been blessed to serve on the faculty, I have witnessed many generations of students of all backgrounds flourish here due to hard work and their ability to dream big. I want your families to know that your presence here has not only enriched the life of this University, but that this school is one generation stronger for having been a part of your sacrifice, your work ethic, your emotional drain and your untiring effort, no matter what the obstacle. And, as if everything we’ve put you through hasn’t been enough, I’m going to ask something of you. Along your path, you too are going to encounter young people coming up behind you. They will like to complain… they may be groaning on and on… and because they have not experienced much in this world, anything that has some level of difficulty will seem impossible to them. Help them. Help them. That support and guidance you show will help them trust in work ethic and in patience. I hope everyone here at Cal Poly has done their best to do that for you. I thank God for the opportunity to serve this incredible graduating class for the past many years. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Commencement Speech