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EODA/Human Resources Operations

Benefits Upon Separation

Benefits Coverage

Medical, Dental, Vision

Your benefits will remain active through the last day of the month following your separation from the university. If you leave mid-month, your coverage will typically extend through the end of the subsequent month.

  • Example: If your separation date is 9/15/2025, your benefits will continue through 10/31/2025.

Employer Paid Life Insurance and Long-Term Disability

  • Coverage will terminate on your separation date.
  • After separation, you may continue coverage at your own expense through The Standard by completing a Portability Insurance Application (PDF).
  • For further questions and information, please contact The Standard at 800-378-5745 or visit The Standard.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA): Participation will end at the end of the month in which you last contributed (for claim filing purposes, eligible expenses will only be reimbursed for services provided through the end of that period, June 30th.)

  • Example: If you terminate in May, your last contribution to HCRA is taken from your May salary, and your participation ends June 30th.
  • If participant enrolls into COBRA, then coverage will continue until December 31st of the plan year.

Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA): Participant is through the end of the plan year (December 31st) to incur and submit claims for reimbursement.

  • Continuation of coverage is not eligible through COBRA.

For additional information, please contact ASI Flex at 800-659-3035 or visit ASI Flex.

Voluntary Plans

To confirm when services and deductions will end, contact the vendors directly.

Unused Absence Balances

When an employee leaves the (CSU) system, the handling of unused absences generally depends on the specific circumstances of their departure and CSU policies.

  • Vacation Time: Paid out for any accrued and unused vacation hours upon separation. The payout rate is based on the employee's current salary, and it is issued as a lump sum.
  • Sick Leave: Not paid out when an employee leaves the CSU. However, if an employee is retiring from CSU, the unused sick leave may be converted to additional service credit in the CalPERS retirement system, effectively increasing the monthly retirement benefit. This benefit applies only to retirement, not resignation or termination.
  • Compensatory Time Off (CTO): Usually paid out at the employee’s current hourly rate upon separation from the CSU. This ensures that employees receive compensation for any overtime hours they worked but did not take as time off.
  • Personal Holiday: If an employee did not use their personal holiday before separation, it will be paid out upon separation.

General Inquiries

Hours: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM I Email: I Phone: 909-869-3733
3801 W. Temple Ave, Pomona, CA 91768
Student Services Building 121, Second Floor
Map and Directions to our office

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