Lyle Center for Regenerative Studies

Learn at the Living Laboratory

Learn at the Living Library
The Lyle Center offers courses off the beaten path on 16 acres of living laboratory


Fulfill your general education requirements on 16 acres of living laboratory! Undergraduate students can deepen their understanding of sustainability issues and regenerative practices through a selection of GE courses offered year-round at the Lyle Center.

GEs at the Lyle Center are open to all colleges and majors. Students can also double the value of their general education units -- up to 12 units count towards the 18 units required for the Regenerative Studies Minor.

Course Number Course Title (units) G.E. Credit
RS 1110 Introduction to Regenerative Studies (3) G.E. Area E
RS 3010 Life Support Processes (3) G.E. Area B5
RS 3020 Global Regenerative Systems (3) G.E. Area D4
RS 3030 Shaping a Sustainable Future (3) G.E. Area C3 or D4
RS 4500 Sustainable Communities (3) G.E. Area C3 or D4

Enhance your undergraduate experience with the following courses:

RS 1110: Understand the interaction between physical, biological and social systems essential to human life. How do these relationships shape how we live and sustain critical resources and safeguard our delicate ecosystem for future generations?

RS 3010: Understand the social context of complex physical and biological systems. These systems provide water, food, energy, shelter, atmosphere and functional landscapes that are a part of our everyday lives.

RS 3020: What are the global effects of human activities in our pursuit of food, water, energy, shelter and waste sinks? Study the institutional factors that influence how regenerative practices are implemented as we face the challenge of our planet's limited resources.

RS 3030: How do governments, businesses, communities and environmental groups effectively organize to advance pro-environmental change? Investigate organizing processes for regenerative studies; and examine cultural and institutional organizing at the global, multi-national, national, regional, local, family and individual levels.

RS 4500: History and cross-cultural study of sustainable communities related to their built form. Learn how "intentional" communities are models of traditional and alternative patterns. How do economics and our laws enable us to experiment with our communities?