Disability Resource Center

Canvas Access for DRC Staff

In order to facilitate certain accommodations, DRC staff may need access to a student’s canvas course. When this is needed, DRC will work directly with Center for the Advancement of Faculty Excellence (CAFE) to add staff to your Canvas course as "DRC Staff" role. This role does not allow them to modify your course or see student grades. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please email drc@cpp.edu.


The DRC is looking for class schedule, zoom information, and announcements about class cancellations. In addition, staff providing captioning and interpreting services may review course content such as terminology so that they are prepared to provide accurate information to the DRC student.

Yes, DRC will work directly with CAFE to remove staff from a Canvas class when a student drops the class and service is no longer needed.

The access in Canvas is correct. The DRC Staff role is similar to the Canvas role for Observer but does not follow a particular student in the class like the Observer role does. You can disregard this information.