2019 poster session
Cybersecurity & Awareness Fair

Poster Contest Information 2022

Cyber security is in a constant state of evolving threats and technologies. The goal of this contest is to raise awareness among the events' audience regarding cyber security related topics. It also provides contestants a potential foundation for a future dissertation, improves communication skills, or opens doors for career opportunities. Top submissions in each category will be chosen for final presentation at the Cyber Security and Awareness Fair based on the abstract and poster draft submission.

PLEASE NOTE:  The format of the final presentation of your work will be determined as we have more information with regards to the status of the pandemic and LA County's guidelines. The current plan that is subject to change is for the final contestants to present in an online format. This will include you and/or your team submitting a poster (.pdf), and abstract (.pdf) for the initial entry.  Those chosen for the final competition will submit a poster (.pdf), paper (.pdf), and video (.mp4).  We are also planning for students that are local to have an opportunity to present in person at the fair.

On the day of the event, a time for judging will be scheduled for you and/or your team.  The team of judges comes from industry leaders, government agencies, and education. You and/or your team will need to be prepared to answer questions from a wide range of perspectives and discuss your research in depth. If you are chosen to participate in the Audience Choice Award, please arrive on campus no later than 8:30am to set up your poster. 

The contest has two different opportunities for entry based on the individual or team’s skillset and desired audience: Cyber Awareness Poster and Cyber Problem-Solving Research Poster.

  1. The Cyber Security Awareness Poster is an opportunity to educate event attendees about a cybersecurity topic. It is to bring a topic into focus that encourages discussion that resonates with their peers. The team size is limited to a maximum of two members. 
  2. The Cyber Problem-Solving Research Poster is meant to explore the vulnerabilities of the cyber domain in depth and to search for ways to reduce or eliminate cybersecurity risks. The team size is limited to a maximum of four members. 

Potential Sample Topics – You are welcome to choose any topic related to cyber security; these are just here for ideas:

Bot-assisted Social Engineering
Protocols/Data Leakage
Physical Security
Quantum Cryptography
Data Privacy
IoT Security
Cloud Security
Secure Coding
Smart Cities
Social Media Threats
Open Source Intelligence
Advanced Persistent Threats
Virtual World/Metaverse Security
Cyber Geo Politics
Mobile Security
Digital Forensics
SCADA/Industrial Control Systems
Cyber Crime As a Service (CaaS)
Satellite Security
Digital Persona



Past winners are sponsored by the ISACA Los Angeles Chapter. 

  1. The Cyber Security and Awareness Fair committee will award each winner after the event. If it is a team, the award amount will be divided by the number of members.
  2. Depending on the size of the award, taxes may be applicable and are the responsibility of the winner.
  3. Decision(s) of the judge(s) is/are final.

Cyber Security Problem-Solving Research Poster:

  • First Place $1000
  • Second Place $850
  • Third Place $550
  • Honorable mention:$100

Cyber Security Awareness Poster:

  • First Place $750
  • Second Place $500
  • Third Place $375
  • Honorbable Mention: $75

Audience Choice Award:

  • First Place $350
  • Second Place $250
  • Third Place $150
  • Honorable Mention: $50


  • September 23, 2022, at 5:00 PM PST – Poster Submission Deadline. No late entries will be accepted.
  • September 30, 2022 - Students will be notified of their acceptance.
  • October 7, 2022 – Accepted students attend boot camp on how to present.
  • October 14, 2022, at 10 AM PST- Final poster, research paper, and presentation video link must be completed and uploaded. No late work will be accepted.
  • October 20, 2022, 10 AM – 2 PM PST- Presentation for competition: full team must be available.


Eligibility to compete: Undergraduate and graduate college students currently enrolled at an accredited college listed on the Department of Education website with a .edu email address that is active for the semester or quarter of the contest. Top submissions in each category will be chosen for final presentation at the Cyber Security and Awareness Fair based on the abstract and poster draft submission.

The final judging will be on October 20, 2022. Contestant/Team must be available to virtually present the content of their abstract from 10am-2pm on October 20th, 2022.  Final judging for the winners will be held on the day of the event. Decision of the judges is final.

The initial entry must include:

  1. Abstract
  2. Poster using the provided template
  3. You do not need the research paper for initial submission on September 23, 2022, it is due October 14th, 2022.
  4. Submissions without a .edu email address will not be accepted.

Submit your entry here: Submission Link

Required Template for Posters: Poster Template (PPT)

Questions regarding submission issues, email Mohammad Husain (mihusain@cpp.edu) or Anna Carlin (ACarlin@fullcoll.edu)


  • Contestant/Team must submit their presentations using the required poster template, submissions that do not use the poster template will not be accepted.
  • One page abstract clearly stating the learning objective of the poster.
  • Research paper 2 pages in length which includes a one page abstract in MLA format with 2 Citations within the last three years.
  • The initial poster submission can be a DRAFT as a placeholder for judges to review. Contestants are highly encouraged to upload the latest draft as work progresses.
  • The importance of the submission will be evaluated by the judges using the following criteria:
    • Relevance to the field of cyber security, information assurance and forensics.
    • Potential for practical impact - The topic should be real life application oriented. It should be a topic that can be easily communicated to a non-technical person who might be a user of that technology in real life. An audience should be able to relate it to everyday life and understand the implication of the topic presented.
    • Does the abstract make a clear case for how the topic fits into a larger context?
    • Degree of originality
    • Does the poster show originality or creativity in research design and/or interpretation?
    • Does it address a new problem, or an old problem in a new way?
    • Are the results expressed through the poster important?
    • Does it shed new light on the issue at hand, or suggest important new methods, procedures, etc.?
    • Does the poster report a necessary and valuable replication of earlier work?
    • Does the student address the issue of the study's importance to the field of cyber security, information assurance and forensics?
    • Technical depth - This will measure whether the team has done adequate review of existing literature to present adequate information to the audience and be able to answer the queries of an audience.
    • The overall quality of the submission – This attempts to evaluate the overall impression of the student’s research achievement.
    • Was there evidence of progress towards the goals & objectives?
    • Was there evidence that the project led to learning beyond the classroom?


  • Contestant/Team must submit their presentations using the required poster template, submissions that do not use the poster template will not be accepted.
  • One page abstract containing a clear statement of the problem and its economic, social, and/or environmental implications for the international cybersecurity community.
  • One page abstract must include 4 Citations in MLA format within the last three years.
  • Research paper 3-5 pages in length which includes a one page abstract in MLA format, introduction, literary review, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion, and recommendation.
  • Research plan and project narrative that describes how the proposed research will contribute to the solution or further understanding of the problem.
  • Brief discussion of existing scientific literature on the issue and how the proposed research differs from or enhances current activities.
  • Outline potential measurable outcomes. How will the research team track progress towards the stated outcomes and evaluate the overall impact of the project?
  • Summary of how the research solves the problem defined with evidence that the activities validated the hypothesis.
  • Suggested future research to foster the exchange of ideas, conduct joint research experiments, and/or provide training on cutting edge techniques.
  • Applicants should include a brief discussion on how these activities may facilitate new or strengthen existing collaborations, especially where young researchers or students may be involved.
  • Relevance to the field of cyber security, information assurance and forensics – The topics need be related to the theme of the cyber security and awareness fair. How someone can securely use computing and handheld devices in an Internet connected environment, how not to become a victim of a cyberattacks, discussion of existing cyberattacks and defense techniques for computing and handheld devices including their communication networks
  • Potential for practical impact - The topic should be real life application oriented. It should be a topic that can be easily communicated to a non-technical person who might be a user of that technology in real life. An audience should be able to relate it to everyday life and understand the implication of the topic presented.
  • The importance of the submission will be evaluated by the judges using the following criteria:
    • Relevance to the field of cyber security, information assurance and forensics.
    • Does the abstract make a clear case for how the topic fits into a larger context?
    • Degree of originality – Originality is indispensable to the processes of creation and innovation at all levels. In evaluating originality, consider the three elements of scientific work: hypothesis, methods, and results. Submissions to this category must be based on an original hypothesis, backed by sound research using scientific methods, and needs to present the results as an original idea. Rather than summarizing what is already known into a new format, does this entry produce new knowledge through observations, experiments, or new approaches to solving existing problems in the field of cybersecurity, information assurance, or forensics?
    • Does the poster show originality or creativity in research design and/or interpretation?
    • Does it address a new problem, or an old problem in a new way?
    • Technical depth - This will measure whether the presenter(s) have completed a thorough review of the existing literature to present adequate information to the audience and be able to answer the queries of an audience.
    • The overall quality of the submission – This attempts to evaluate the overall impression of the student’s research achievement.
    • Was there evidence of progress towards the goals & objectives?
    • Was there evidence that the project led to learning beyond the classroom?


The video presentation is intended to showcase your poster to the audience during the event. Presenters asked to provide a video in .mp4 format and be available for live questions with the judges. All team members must attend the live question period.

  • Recording and posting of video specification will be provided to those presenting at the event during the boot camp on October 14, 2022.
  • Maximum length of the video is 5 minutes for Cyber Awareness, 10 minutes for Cyber Problem Solving Research.
  • Each team member must present in the video. Do not go over allotted time.
  • Visual materials must be comprised of the abstract content and the poster only. Make sure content is capable of being easily read on a screen.
  • Contestant/Team will be given a 25-minute window for the judges will be in attendance of the zoom session.
  • The time allocated after the video will be for questions and answers with the judges.


  • Dress professionally.
  • Check your audio and lighting.
  • Establish eye contact as if you were in a physical room.
  • State the learning objective or statement of the problem and its economic, social, and/or environmental implications for the international cybersecurity community.
  • Prepare a short statement to walk the viewers through your figures to discuss your project.
  • Be prepared to briefly discuss your hypothesis, point out your work, address key pieces of data, and summarize your conclusions.
  • Point to specific parts of your poster as you explain your project.
  • Speak to the viewers, not your poster.
  • Keep in mind that you likely know much more about your project than the viewers. Don’t assume knowledge on their part.
  • Presentations should be discussed, rather than simply read.


  • Properly identify in the abstract and on the poster the title of presentation, student(s) name(s), and school being represented.
  • Use a large enough fonts and colors to be visible by someone that is visually impaired. (W3C references)
  • Be sure to leave enough white space to allow people to focus on what is most important for them to see.
  • When using graphics, do not put too much information in one figure or chart.
  • When using text, avoid long sentences; instead use bulleted statements.
  • If using acronyms, spell out the name of the acronym followed by the acronym in parentheses and its definition. (i.e., Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) – establishing and extending footholds within the information technology infrastructure of organizations for purposes of continually exfiltrating information)


The Audience Choice Award is an opportunity for contentants to engage with attendees at the Cybersecurity and Awareness Fair to discuss the topic of their poster. Awards are based on popular vote from CSAF attendees. Selection and ranking of the winning entries is determined by the total number of votes received during the event.  Where applicable, decision(s) of the judge(s) and or committee is/are final.

  • Properly identify in the abstract and on the poster the title of presentation, student(s) name(s), and school being represented.
  • Posters shall consist of a standard 36" high x 48" wide poster board, or equivalent (center panel
  • shall be 24" wide with 12" side panels on either side of the center panel).
  • Poster boards shall be of standard student presentation quality and shall stand on their own when
  • opened.
  • Participants may use tape, glue, or pushpins to make attachments to the poster.
  • All supporting display material must fit on the poster in the space provided.
  • Students may use a laptop; however, electrical power will NOT be supplied.
  • Use graphics where possible.
  • Include an identification sign - title of presentation and student(s) name (this is very important)
  • Use a large enough font to be visible by someone standing up to 6 feet away from the poster
  • (minimum of 18 point).
  • Be sure to leave enough white space to allow people to focus on what is most important for them
  • to see.
  • When using graphics, do not put too much information in one figure or chart.
  • When using text, avoid long sentences; instead use bulleted statements.
  • If using acronyms, provide definitions.

Past Examples

View past examples.