Vishing with AI Voice Cloning Interactive Demonstration
We will demonstrate the dangers of having your voice online (and ease of manipulation) WIT would like to hold an interactive demonstration on Vishing (or Voice Phishing.)
Leveraging various readily accessible programs, we would invite anyone who wanted to participate to record a 30-60 second audio of them reading a passage or talking freely. We would then input this audio into an AI Voice Cloning tool, and use it to generate a custom voice clone of their voice. Using text-to-speech with their voice-clone, we'll generate a recording of "their" voice, reading a script saying something phish-y and asking for money (actual script is not written yet). Ideally, we'd like to spoof their actual phone numbers using another software or application (if you guys sign off on this, and they consent, but if not we can use a temporary VOIP service like Google Voice and add a line in the script saying something to the effect of "I got a new phone number") and call OUR Google Voice number (And only our google voice number, we do not condone actual vishing), where we can hear the voicemail or call in real-time. The point is to demonstrate more advanced phishing schemes, and the ease with which threat actors can put schemes like this together.
Session Presenters

Alessandra Gonzalez
Founding President