Open University

Withdrawals and Refunds

  • Students can use BroncoDirect to withdraw from a class during the first 3 weeks of classes or 15 days of instruction.
  • Withdrawal from a class after 3 weeks or the 15thday of instruction requires a Course Withdrawal Request Form. All drops occurring during this timeframe must be documented and must be for serious and compelling reasons. All completed withdrawal forms along with supporting documentation must be submitted to the registration office at the College of Professional and Global Education (CPGE). Full refunds are not available after the term begins. View the term calendar for the refund amount timeline.
    • *Please keep in mind that the withdrawal dates do not take into account the date you submit your petition to the CPGE office. For example: If you submit your petition on March 28rd and then decide to drop your courses on April 9th, you will only receive an 80% refund and you will receive a “W” grade.
  • Under most circumstances, your petition for withdrawal will not be approved if you are failing the class you wish to drop at the time you submit the petition.
  • Approval for withdrawal is contingent upon demonstration that withdrawal is for serious and compelling reasons, including, but not necessarily restricted to the following:

A note is required from your employer on company letterhead, stating the hours and days of work (be specific), effective date of this change, and who initiated the change.

A note from your physician is required. State in general terms a brief description of the problem and the period of time you were seen.

Personal problems of a serious nature causing you to have seen a counselor. A note from him/her is required. Give a brief description of the problem.

Reasons such as failing the class, lack of prerequisites, too much work or an overload, etc., are not sufficient reasons for dropping a course at this time, and therefore will not be approved.  During the last three weeks of instruction, approval is contingent upon demonstration that withdrawal is because of an emergency clearly beyond the control of the student. Documentation must accompany the withdrawal petition.
  • If you have a credit on your account that you would like to have refunded to you, please email with your Bronco ID number to request the refund. If you prefer to receive your refund via direct deposit to your checking or savings account, please see the instructions at this link to sign up for direct deposit:
  • If your withdrawal form has been approved but you would like to petition for a full refund or to have your fees reversed, please email and request the Petition for Refund/Reversal of Fees be sent to you. These completed petitions are reviewed by a committee on a monthly basis.

Partial Refund

Courses dropped after the term begins result in a partial refund at most. Please view the term calendar for the exact refund timeline.

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3801 W. Temple Ave.
Bldg 220C-140
Pomona CA 91768


Phone: 909-869-2288
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM


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