Faculty & Staff

Dr. Renford Reese
Professor of Political Science
Office Phone: 909-869-4665
Email: rrreese@cpp.edu
Office Location: 94-311
Office Hours: To be announced
Full CV | Personal Website
Academic Area
Public Administration, Public Policy
Areas of Expertise
Public Policy Development
Research Statement
Dr. Renford Reese's current teaching and research focus is on NGOs and Social Service Outreach, Prison Reform, Juvenile Justice, Restorative Justice, and the Politics of Crime.
Academic Degrees
PhD, University of Southern California, 1996
MA, Vanderbilt University, 1990
BA, Vanderbilt University, 1989
Courses Taught
Graduate project integrating theories and methodologies; focus on practical concerns and issues of public and nonpublic agencies, diverse perspectives within a task-oriented framework. Memorandum of understanding (MOU) with participating agency required. Faculty and practitioner supervision. Specialized activity.
Criminal justice administration concepts, institutions; relationship to legislative functions and issues; interagency and intergovernmental collaboration; politics of crime, Constitutional issues, ethics, white collar crime, prison reform, rehabilitation, and re-entry issues.
Group study at an advanced level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.
Reese, R. (2007). American Bravado. Portland, OR: Inkwater Press. (Link)
Reese, R. (2006). Prison Race. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. (Link)
Reese, R. (2004). Leadership in the LAPD: Walking the tightrope. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. (Link)
Reese, R. (2003). American paradox: Young black men. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. (Link)
For more publications, visit Dr. Reese's website