Political Science

Faculty & Staff

Dr. Mary Anne Mendoza

Dr. Mary Anne Mendoza
Assistant Professor of Political Science

Office Phone: 909-869-3879
Email: maryannem@cpp.edu 
Office Location: 94-315
Office Hours: To be announced
Full CV | Personal Website

Academic Area

Comparative Politics, International Relations

Areas of Expertise

nationalism; separatist rebellion; colonial history; Southeast Asia

Research Statement

Mary Anne S. Mendoza's research focuses on how the content and process of education shapes the development of national identity in colonial subjects. In particular, she studies the post-colonial legacy of educational policies and separatist rebellion in the Philippines and Burma (Myanmar). This involves the use of archival work in comparing the onset of rebellion between ethnic groups. Her broader research agenda bridges Comparative Politics and International Relations to better understand patterns of political violence, nationalism, and colonial legacies in Southeast Asia. Her ongoing projects concern government responses to rebels and pedagogical topics concerning course design and alignment in student assessments. Her future projects incorporate both of these themes by focusing on the development of national ideologies in post-colonial states and refugee camps.

Academic Degrees

  • PhD in Political Science, University of California, Irvine
  • MA in Political Science, University of California, Irvine
  • BA in Political Science & International Studies, University of La Verne

Current Courses

Provides an introduction to the comparative study of countries’ political, economic, and social/cultural systems. Several foreign countries, both Western and non-Western, are presented as cases, to illustrate the course concepts.
The Model Organization of American States course offers students an immersive experience in diplomacy and international relations, culminating in a conference in Washington, D.C., where they collaborate with peers from around the world. Participants develop skills in negotiation, public speaking, and policy analysis while representing member states in simulated OAS sessions.
Selection and completion of a thesis under faculty supervision. Thesis is to be of substantial quality on a significant problem in the student’s major area of interest within political science. Work to be completed over two semesters in PLS 4610 and PLS 4620. Lecture and discussion. Required minimum of 120 hours. May be taken up to two times for a total credit of 6 units.


Mendoza, M.A. (2021). "When institutions reinforce regional divides: Comparing Christian and Muslim colonial education policies in the Philippines." Asian Politics & Policy 13, no. 1: 90-104.

Mendoza, M.A. (2021). "Book Review - ELECTORAL DYNAMICS IN THE PHILIPPINES: Money Politics, Patronage, and Clientelism at the Grassroots." Pacific Affairs 94, no. 1: 194-196.

Mendoza, M.A (2016). The Far-Right Challenge to the EU: Recapturing the EU Narrative (with Frank, et al.) European Review of Transatlantic Affairs no.2 (Fall): 66-99.

Mendoza, M.A. (2015). Reform of the European Citizen Initiative, Part II (with Damiano Canapa, Darina Gancheva, and Jacob Whitfield). Review of European Transatlantic Affairs no.1 (Spring): 148-153. 

Mendoza, M.A. (2015). A Case for the European Citizens’ Initiative Amidst the Perceived Democratic Deficit of the EU. Review of European and Transatlantic Affairs no.2 (Fall): 118-137.