Political Science

Facutly & Staff

Dr. Jill Hargis

Dr. Jill Hargis
Professor of Political Science

Office Phone: 909-869-3882
Email: jehargis@cpp.edu
Office Location: 94-376
Office Hours: To be announced
Full CV

Academic Degrees

  • PhD, University of California, Berkeley
  • JD, Harvard University
  • BA, University of Tennessee

Courses Taught

FALL 2024
No courses taught


Hargis, J. 2016. "Hannah Arendt's turn to the self and environmental responses to climate change paralysis." Environmental Politics, 25(3), 475-493. (Link)
Hargis, J.E. 2013. "Friedrich Nietzsche" in Encyclopedia of Modern Political Thought, eds. Claeys G. and L.T. Sargent. Washington DC: CQ Press. (Link)
Hargis, J.E. 2012. "From Demonization of the Masses to Democratic Practice in the work of Nietzsche, and Foucault." Human Studies, 34(4): 373-392. (Link)
Hargis, J.E. 2010. "(Dis)Embracing the Herd: A Look at Nietzsche’s Shifting Views of the Individual and the People." History of Political Thought, 31(3): 475-507. (Link)
Hargis, J.E. 2007. "Introduction" and co-editor in Histories of Postmodernism, an edited volume, with eds. Bevir, M. and S. Rushing. New York, NY: Routledge Press. (Link)
Hargis, J.E. 2007. "Chapter 3: Escape from the Subject: Heidegger’s Das Man and Being-in-the-world" in Histories of Postmodernism. New York, NY: Routledge Press. (Link)