The Justice Dialogues

The Justice Dialogues

What is Inequality? Reflections on the Futures of Segregation

Date: October 27, 2022
Time: 12:00pm to 12:50pm
Location: Building 9, Room 307
Ahimsa Center Nonviolence in Thought and Action. The Justice Dialogues.  Thursday October 27, 12:00 - 12:50.  Building 9, Room 306.  What is Inequality?  Reflections on the Futures of Segregation
(Click on the image to view the flyer)
Aishwary Kumar

Aishwary Kumar

Aishwary Kumar is a historian and political theorist who works on the relationship between human freedom and political violence. He specializes in South Asian, European, and American moral and political thought. Kumar holds the Shri Shantinath Endowed Chair in Ahimsa Studies and is the Director of the Ahimsa Center at CPP. He is the author of Radical Equality: Ambedkar, Gandhi, and the Risk of Democracy (Stanford, 2015).

Suraj Yengde

Suraj Yengde

Suraj Yengde is a transnational Dalit rights activists involved in building solidarities between Dalit, Black, Roma, Indigenous, Buraku and Refugee peoples. He has held appointments as a Senior Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School and as a non-resident Fellow at the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research. He is the author of the widely acclaimed Caste Matters (Penguin, 2019).