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Economics Department


Students at Risk

Students with a GPA below 2.00 will be placed on probation and subject to a hold on their registration and required to meet with the Department Chair and the College Student Success Center to discuss their academic progress and develop a plan to improve their GPAs. During the meeting, the Chair will determine the course of action, to remove the hold and exit from probation. If I student becomes disqualified, they may not enroll at Cal Poly. Disqualification is determined at the university level, and the department has no influence over this. See the university catalog under Academic Standing for specifics.

Transfer Students

Transfer students will be welcomed and advised by the Chair during new student orientation, prior to Fall or Spring Semester. Currently the Department Chair serves as principle academic advisor for all undergraduate students with the assistance of the College CLASS Student Success Center.  The Success center is the principal source for all non-departmental advising (e.g., concerning satisfaction of general education requirements, university and college regulations, etc.) .

Progress toward Graduation

Academic advising for all undergraduates is provided by the Department Chair, the College Success Center and the Bronco Advising Center at the university level. Professional and career advising is provided by all department faculty on an individual basis.

Report, Graduation, and Financial Aid

Those students who receive holds or any formal document from the University regarding graduation, progress reports, status of financial aid should make an appointment to meet with an advisor in the CLASS Student Success Center, or with the Department Chair if the issue is directly related to Economics Department requirements.