Educational Leadership Department

Masters of Arts + Administrative Credential

Only three additional courses are needed to complete the Master's of Arts in Education program with the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. Students enrolling for the Master of Arts in Education with the Preliminary Services Administrative Credential program will be eligible to apply for financial aid. Students only completing the Administrative Services Credential program are not eligible to apply for federal financial aid.

The Master of Arts in Educational Leadership (31 units) incorporates both practical and theoretical challenges in the administration of the public schools.  The program fosters and nurtures leadership while providing candidates and interns with an understanding of the day-to-day world of decision making that will face them as they enter the field of school administration.   

Additional courses:

Course Title Units
ERA 5900 Introduction to Graduate Studies 3
ERA 6930 Evaluating, Understanding, and Using Research Methods 4
ERA 6950 Master's Degree Project 6
ERA 6960 Master's Degree Thesis 6