Testing Requirements, Resources and Subject Matter Preparation
Testing Requirements
- Basic Skills Requirement
- Subject Matter Competence Requirement
- Reading Instruction and Competence Assessment (RICA) Written Examination
- Reading Instruction and Competence Assessment (RICA) Video Performance Assessment
- Teaching Performance Assessments (CalTPA)
- US Constitution Requirement is satisfied by a grade of "C" or better in PLS 2010 at CPP, an approved equivalent course, or by passing the US Constitution Requirement Challenge Exam Submit your Course Equivalency Request to see if you have met this requirement.
Test Preparation Resources
There are a variety of test preparation resources available to teaching candidates. For help in preparing to take CBEST, CSET and RICA, please see:
- 240Tutoring
- CBEST Practice Test.com
- Exam Edge
- Mometrix Test Preparation
- Mt. San Antonio College Teacher Preparation Institute
- Study.com
- Teachers Test Prep
Subject Matter Preparation Programs
The subject matter preparation programs are undergraduate degree programs. They allow future teachers to waive the CSET exam, if the prescribed undergraduate coursework is taken and passed satisfactorily. The following undergraduate departments at Cal Poly Pomona offer the subject matter waiver programs: