Technology and Operations Management

Interview with Trevor Wong

Trevor Wong Grad Student Spotlight

March 2022

My name is Trevor Wong, I recently graduated from the MSBA program in August 2021, and I am currently a Manufacturing Analyst and supporting Project Manager at Northrop Grumman in Sunnyvale. During my time as a Technology and Operations Management undergraduate at CPP, one course that stood out the most was Business Analytics. It was unique in that it required more programming and statistical knowledge compared to the heavily excel based courses. What intrigued me the most were the higher level of problem-solving tools and universal industry applications. When I saw the announcement for the MSBA program, I knew it was something I wanted to pursue and enrolled shortly after receiving my undergraduate degree.
The MSBA program was the perfect stepping stone that I needed to advance my career to the next level. The applied base learning curriculum quickly translated my foundational statistical knowledge into analytical skills applicable in the workplace. The fast-paced environment with professors who constantly challenged me to discover out-of-the-box solutions helped me become an adaptable learner and a self-sufficient employee. The MSBA program helped fast-tracked my career as I landed my position as a Manufacturing Analyst shortly after receiving my Master’s Degree. 


My advice for future students is to take on projects and learn as much as possible while you are in the program. Don’t hesitate to make off-hour appointments with professors and get to know them. Spend a lot of time looking up different problem-solving methods and finding ways to apply them to your projects. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from faculty and peers since they all come from different backgrounds and can offer a fresh perspective. The relationships that you build and the process of learning how to apply theories and tools in real businesses will be your most valuable asset from the MSBA program.