Finance, Real Estate, and Law

Current Students


Who is my advisor?

  • Stella Fong-Chen or Zoom ID: 909-164-1060
  • Or you can see any of the FRL full-time faculty for career advising.

Academic Holds:

As of 8/1/15, to have your academic (GPA) holds removed, you must now visit the Student Success Center located in building 164, room 1060.

The following advising tools are designed to assist students and their advisors:

  • Curriculum sheets (PDF) list the core and support courses required for a particular major and suggest general education classes that will result in the most efficient path to a degree in that major.

  • Road maps (PDF) are a term-by-term plan of the courses required for a particular major and also include reminders and major-specific advice.

  • Prerequisite list (PDF) for ALL FRL courses.

Permission numbers: 

Due to the social distancing recommendations of the CDC, the process for requesting permission numbers to override prerequisites has changed.  All requests must now be completed via email.  For Spring 25 classes, you must email your request to .   Remember to include class#, Section#, your name, bronconumber, and proof of the completed prerequisite.  Your email will be responded to within one business day.

Required from student:

Students must prove completion of the prerequisites in question.  In-progress courses from other schools are not accepted as proof of prerequisites. Please provide:

  • Copy/Screenshot of unofficial transcript with your name, college name, and grades clearly specified

  • Approved Petition

Please note, the department does not approve prerequisites to be taken as co-requisites.

FRL Change of Major: 

For the Fall 2025 Semester change of major meeting email for more information.

Time: TBA

Date: TBA

Face-Face Meeting

Please arrive 15 minutes before

The FRL Department requires students who are changing their major to FRL to attend one CHANGE OF MAJOR MEETING. (Those wanting to add FRL as a SECOND major, must attend too.) At this meeting, students must attend and submit their change-of-major petition for their request to be approved.  There is only 1 Change of Major meeting held every semester.

Our department has a few policies to be aware of before switching:

1) if you are at Junior or Senior status (60+ Semester Units), you must have passed MAT 1250 (or equivalent/higher), EC 2201, EC 2202, ACC 2070/A, and ACC 2080/A with a C or better
2) you must not have ANY academic holds on your account
3) you need to attend a mandatory FRL change of major meeting to have your petition accepted
4) you need to submit your petition to Change your Major online, located on the Cal Poly Registrar's website: Registrar's Form. Your online form needs to be submitted within one week of attending the meeting.

If you have any concerns regarding our policies, feel free to contact us regarding your situation.
To have your name added to our contact list for the next meeting, please email

FRL Minors:

To add an FRL minor, please see the FRL department first for the proper paperwork, then visit one of the appropriate faculty members during their office hours. (To see their office hours, please view FRL office hours.) To learn more about each minor, click on the minor name below.

College of Business Administration Student Success Center

The Student Success Center (SSC), in Building 164, Room 1060, is designed to help all CBA majors by:

  1. Providing general academic information and removing academic holds.

  2. Assisting in the completion/processing of various university forms (e.g., general academic petitions, drop petitions).

  3. Maintaining a supply of most university petitions and forms. Please visit SSC and find out what services it offers.