Desert Community
Superstition mallow - Abutilon palmeri
Sonoran Desert: mtn slopes, creosote-bush scrub. In Roman times, Pliny wrote that a spoonful of mallow would rid one of all diseases. Leaves are pubescent from stellate (star-like) hairs that reflect sunlight and reduce water loss.
Catclaw acacia - Acacia greggii
Desert: flats, washes. Pods were eaten fresh or were ground for mush and cakes. Extensive groves provided substantial but not preferred food sources. Twigs were made into maskets, brushes, cradle frames, housing, and fencing. Wood was used for construction and firewood.
California buckeye - Aesculus californica
Sierra Nevada: Tehachapi Mountains. Vegetation and nuts toxic, especially to fish. Seeds were extensively leeched before use during the winter. Seeds were ground and placed in a damned stream. Fish would float to top where they were collected, cooked and safely eaten.
Desert agave - Agave deserti var. simplex
Desert: rocky slopes, washes, desert scrub. Leaf fiber used for basketry, bowstrings, nets, snares and net-cordage for eagle skirt. Flower stalked was harvested and baked in a stone-lined overn for many days. Pods were baked, flowers were boiled and eaten. Soap was made from roots.
Mugwort - Artemisia douglasiana
California: open to shady places, drainages. Seeds and peeled shoots were eaten raw. Leaf juice was applied to poison oak infections and to irritation from stinging nettles. Stems and leaves put under the pillow to promote pleasant dreams. Leaves chewed for toothaches.
Great basin sagebrush - Artemisia tridentata
South Coast: dry soils, valleys, slopes. Seeds were parched ground into flour, and eaten as mush in large quantities. Branches were burned to fumigate sick areas and in sweat lodges to purify air. Powdered leaves used for chaffing. Chewed leaves made into poultices for aches and pains.
Desert red barberry - Berberis haematocarpa
Desert: rocky slopes, pinyon/juniper woodland, chaparral. The fruit of most barberries were made into wine, jelly, and used whole or crushed for soup. The roots and stems of most barberries were used to dye beargrass and porcupine quills. Berberine found in the roots and bark of Berberis species has a wide range of anti-microbial activity.
Islannd barberry - Berberis pinnata ssp. insularis 'Shnilemoon'
Blue grama - Bouteloua gracilis
Red fairy duster - Calliandra californica
Baja Californica: desert washes, flats, hillsides. Powdered Calliandra root for rashes and to make a red dye for leather.
Fairy duster - Calliandra eriophylla
Sonoran Desert: sandy washes, slopes, mesas. Leaf and stem decoction taken after childbirth. Puffs of red blossoms are displayed late winter to early summer, attracting hummingbirds. The attractive two-inch-long seed pods are flattened and have red margins and a silky coat of short hairs that catch the sun’s rays.
Saguaro - Carnegia gigantea
Birchleaf mountain mahogany, Palo fierro - Cercocarpus betuloides
Spreading soap plant - Chlorogalum pomeridianum var. divarticatum
Silver cholla - Cylindropuntia echinocarpa
Coastal cholla - Cylindropuntia prolifera
Pencil cholla - Cylindropuntia ramosissima
Staghorn cholla - Cylindropuntia versicolor
California buckwheat - Eriogonum fasciculatum
Chilicote, coral bean - Erythrina flabelliformis
Green ephedra - Ephedra viridis
Nevada tea - Euphorbia nevadensis
Apache plume - Fallugia paradoxa
Coast silktassel - Garrya elliptica 'James Roof'
Bladderpod - Isomeris arborea
California juniper - Juniperus californica
Chuparosa, Belaperone - Justicia californica
Creosote - Larreae tridentata
Southern chaparall honeysuckle - Lonicera subspicata
Anderson wolfberry - Lycium andersonii
Laurel sumac - Malosma laurina
Bear grass - Nolina parryi
Blue palo verde - Parkinsonia florida
Foothill penstemon - Penstemon heterophyllus var. heterophyllus
Two needle pinyon - Pinus edulis
Singleleaf pinyon - Pinus monophylla
Arrowweed - Pluchea sericea
Honey mesquite - Prosopis glandulosa
Mesquite - Prosopsis glandulosa var. torreyana
Screw bean - Prospois pubescens
Desert peach - Prunus andersonii
Islay, Holly leaved cherry - Prunus ilicifolica ssp. ilicifolia
Bitter cherry - Prunus emarginata
Munz oak - Quercus x munzii
Sugar bush - Rhus ovata
Gooding's black willow - Salix gooddingii
White sage - Salvia apiana
Blue elderberry - Sambucus mexicana
Mountain pride blue witch - Solanum xanti 'Mountain Pine'
Desert wild grape - Vitis girdiana
Banana yucca - Yucca baccata
Mojave yucca - Yucca schidigera
Mission manzanita - Xylococcus bicolor