Bicycling Resources
NACTO is an association of 86 major North American cities and transit agencies formed to exchange transportation ideas, insights, and practices and cooperatively approach national transportation issues.
ActiveSGV's mission is to support a more sustainable, equitable, and livable San Gabriel Valley. Community events, open streets, transit improvements, green infrastructure, and advocacy for a more sustainable, equitable and livable San Gabriel Valley!
THE LEAGUE represents bicyclists in the movement to create safer roads, stronger communities, and a Bicycle Friendly America. Through education, advocacy and promotion, we work to celebrate and preserve the freedom cycling brings to our members everywhere.Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition
The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) is a membership-based nonprofit organization that works to make all communities in LA County healthy, safe, and fun places to ride a bike through advocacy, education, and outreach.
Pomona Valley Bicycle Coalition
The Pomona Valley Bicycle Coalition (PVBC) is a chapter of the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) founded in March 2012. Our mission is to create better, more bike-able, and healthier streets for the residents in the Pomona Valley area and to empower both pedestrians and cyclists to make a positive impact and change in their local communities.
City Pomona’s Active Transportation Plan
The City of Pomona’s Active Transportation Plan evaluates existing conditions and proposes key bicycle and pedestrian improvements for Pomona. The plan also overviews the types of programs that can support active travel in the city (community resources, bicycle parking) and identifies potential funding sources.