Ahimsa Center

Public Lecture

Freedom Inside? Yoga and Meditation in the Carceral State

Date: November 15, 2022
Time: 2:30pm to 4:00pm
Location: Building 121, Multipurpose Room (MPRs 1967-69)

Directions and Parking information will be emailed to all registrants two days prior to the event.

To register, send an email to ahimsacenter@cpp.edu by November 11, 2022.

Event Flyer

Farah Godrej

Farah Godrej

Farah Godrej is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Riverside. She teaches Indian political thought, Gandhi’s political thought, cosmopolitanism, globalization and comparative political theory. She also studies contemporary issues such as environmental justice, food politics and mass incarceration, with an emphasis on the intersection of scholarship and activism. Her research appears in journals such as American Political Science Review, Political Theory, Political Research Quarterly, Theory & Event, The Review of Politics, and Polity, among others.

For more, visit: https://profiles.ucr.edu/app/home/profile/godrej

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