Department Labs & Other Instructional Facilities
The AVS Department has dedicated teaching facilities that are situated in the AG Valley. We have the Sheep and Swine Units which are respectively used for instruction of courses on small ruminants (sheep and goats; Building 38), and swine (Building 37). Courses that focus on cattle are held at the Cattle Unit (Building 32 complex). The department’s Meat Lab/Processing Plant (Building 34) was closed in 2015, and we no longer offer Meat Processing labs. Several of our labs (Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition, Anatomy and Physiology, Clinical Anatomy and Physiology, Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology, and Biotechnology Applications in Animal Science) are held in a newly renovated classroom (Building 2-111). Furthermore, the Animal Health Science program utilizes Building 67 and 29 for their lectures and laboratory classes (e.g., surgery, radiology, and pharmacology). Courses that involve working with horses are conducted at the Arabian Horse Center.