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Billy Chat

About Billy Chat

Billy Chat logo with the words "Introducing Billy Chat, Cal Poly Pomona's text messaging robot!" with a paper airplane flying in the background

Billy Chat is an artificial intelligence texting robot. You can ask Billy questions, and he'll answer 24/7. If Billy doesn't have the answer to your question, he'll get a human to help. 

Over the last few years, incoming students have met Billy Chat as they joined CPP. In the 2021-22 academic year, we're able to expand access to undergrad students who joined CPP before Fall 2019.

You can text Billy your CPP questions 24/7 and get instant answers. If Billy doesn't know the answer, the bot gets a team of humans to help. Billy also sends reminders and mini-surveys throughout the term to help you keep track of what's happening at CPP.

If you want to get Billy's messages, it's crucial that that CPP has your up-to-date cell phone number. Learn how to check and update your cell phone number in your BroncoDirect Student Center below.

Checking or Updating Your Cell Phone Number

If you are an undergraduate student and want to get Billy Chat, you need to have a cell phone number listed in your BroncoDirect Student Center. Here's how to check that you have one listed or update it:

  1. If you are a current student, log into your BroncoDirect Student Center via MyCPP. and find the Personal Information section. If you are an incoming student, log into your Bronco Applicant Portal and click on the My Info link at the bottom of the portal.
  2. In the Personal Information section, find My Phone Numbers in the drop-down menu. 
  3. Make sure your phone numbers are up to date. Label your cell phone number as Mobile, and check it as Preferred. 

The Opt-Out Process

Students are automatically opted in to getting Billy’s texts upon being admitted. You should receive an email and an introductory text to the cell phone number we have on file for you. If you would like to pause getting Billy’s texts, you can text PAUSE to the bot to pause messaging for 2 weeks. If you would like to opt out, you can text STOP to the bot. If you need help pausing or opting out, please email

Billy Chat as a CPP Communication Channel

Billy Chat is an official university communication channel and, as such, you are expected to communicate in an appropriate manner. Misuse of Billy Chat, such as sending obscene, intimidating, and/or abusive messages, may be considered a violation of the Student Conduct Code and will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct & Integrity. A student’s ability to use Billy Chat may be removed for failure to follow expectations. The Office of Student Success staff periodically review incoming text messages to answer time- or topic-sensitive questions and improve Billy’s answering capabilities. Staff may respond directly to students.

Checking or Updating Your Cell Phone Number

If you are an undergraduate student and want to get Billy Chat, you need to have a cell phone number listed in your BroncoDirect Student Center. Here's how to check that you have one listed or update it:

  1. Log into your BroncoDirect Student Center via MyCPP
  2. In the Personal Information section, find My Phone Numbers in the drop-down menu. 
  3. Make sure your phone numbers are up to date. Label your cell phone number as Mobile, and check it as Preferred.