UB | UBMS Services

Saturday Academies
Program scholars attend workshops on: applying for colleges, financial literacy, financing college a education, goal setting, leadership, life skills, time management, study skills, and hands on career exploration like robotics!

Program Coordinators / Advisors guide students toward creating college preparatory high school programs that will strengthen academics and college admissions applications.
Study Hall
These sessions help students with their classes and direct them toward high academic achievement. College tutors and mentors assist students in all college preparatory classes.

Parent Involvement
Quarterly meetings aimed to help parents/guardians become more aware of the process involved in sending their son or daughter to college. They offer information on college admissions, financial aid, and academic preparation.
Summer Program
This 6‐week residential* program at Cal Poly Pomona is highly structured, providing continuous academic support designed to give students an advantage their next academic year. Activities range from rigorous courses to recreational activities (field trips to colleges/universities, museums, and community events).
*residential component is contingent upon safety and a variety of other factors