Pharmacy Services

Pharmacy Services
One of the best deals on campus is your Health Services pharmacy. The pharmacy is licensed by the state of California, is staffed by a registered pharmacist and adheres to all applicable state codes and regulations. Prescriptions for medications, written by our clinicians, can be filled through our pharmacy for a fraction of regular retail cost, provided the items are stocked in our facility. And generic Tylenol is at no charge!
Drug interaction screening is performed as prescriptions are filled. All questions directed to the pharmacist, as well as prescription records, are confidential. Questions regarding any drugs or medications are welcome and will be answered honestly and to the best of the pharmacist's knowledge and ability.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not bill insurance companies, so full payment must be made at the time of purchase. You may always request to take your prescription with you to fill at a pharmacy of your choice.
PLEASE NOTE: Please have a photo identification available to receive prescriptions.
For information about a particular medication, please call the pharmacy directly (909-869-2744).
Over the Counter Medications
Over-the-counter (OTC) medications or common drug store items, including some contraceptive items (including Emergency Contraceptives), can be purchased without a prescription. OTC products, in addition to prescription medications, are sold at our cost, plus a small packaging fee.
Payment can be made by cash, check, Visa or MasterCard.
Please don't wait until you've taken your last dose of prescription medication before calling for a refill–plan to contact us in advance, so that we can ensure an uninterruptible course of treatment.
For refills please call the pharmacy directly (909-869-2744)
Payment can be made by cash, check, Visa or MasterCard.