24 PIE Ceremony Group
Partners In Education

Partners In Education

Cal Poly Pomona is committed to being an outstanding partner to the surrounding community, a mission the Partners in Education (PIE) group takes to heart.

As California faces a continuing teacher shortage, our dedication to excellence in the preparation of future teachers is more critical than ever. We know teachers have an immeasurable effect on the community, shaping the lives of hundreds of students throughout their careers.

The Sponsor a Future Teacher program is the hallmark of PIE’s impact in the region, providing financial assistance to teacher candidates during their clinical practice. Few activities embody Cal Poly Pomona’s learn by doing philosophy better than clinical practice—when they have the opportunity to take what they have learned and put it into action in the classroom. These student teaching assignments are required to earn a credential, yet are unpaid. Often, the PIE Fellowship enables students to complete their credential, rather than putting their education on hold, or suspending it indefinitely.

Since its inception, this program has provided fellowships to over 285 future teachers, allowing them the opportunity to focus their energies in the profession to which they aspire. They serve in all types of classrooms: elementary, high school, special education and nontraditional academic settings. The support is beyond financial, making a difference in the lives of the Cal Poly Pomona teacher candidates and the hundreds of children that will be impacted by these future educators through their passion and commitment to the teaching profession.

None of this would be possible without the support of our partners and donors, so we thank you for your investment in the future. Together, we look forward to continuing to advance education in our community.

—Sue Johnson
PIE Board Chair