CEIS Podcast Series Continues
Now in its third season, CEIS Podcast Series continues with a focus on two Interdisciplinary General Education (IGE) courses that explore the technological history of the United States and issues of gender in horror films. Cal Poly Pomona students Maria Armayin, Ileana Montes and Trejon Hollins are joined by lecturer Rosanne Welch in the session.
“I am often asked what makes IGE so special,” said Dean Jeff Passe. “Anyone listening to this podcast will soon come to realize that IGE courses can make academic learning come alive in unusual ways.”
Prior to the winter break, CEIS released four video podcasts featuring students, faculty and alumni from CPP:
Faculty and students from CEIS discuss how CPP’s community engagement emphasis has enabled them to work with local food justice organizations to meet basic needs and increase access to healthier foods in Pomona and surrounding communities. The show is joined by Camryn Hamm and Jennette Ramirez along with Assistant Professors Teresa Lloro-Bidart and Analena Hope Hassberg.
Episode 3: Interdisciplinary General Education
CPP students give an explanation of the Interdisciplinary General Education program, showing how it has broadened their perspectives, helped them cultivate new friendships and further develop important life skills. Student participants include Kevin Li, Audrey Murray and Aliya Simjee.
Episode 2: Educational Leadership Doctoral Program
Educational leaders discuss how being a doctoral student is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of one’s career. Guest speakers include Adriana Gonzalez, Dayna Mitchell and Robert Sortino.
Episode 1: Special Educators of Excellence in Diverse Settings (SEEDS) Program
Faculty and students from CEIS discuss the challenges and opportunities in meeting the needs of students with disabilities. They also describe the Special Educators of Excellence in Diverse Settings (SEEDS) program, which offers full-tuition scholarships to assist qualified students in earning both their credential and master’s degree in special education. Guest speakers include Elizabeth Mason and Arturo Basurto along with Assistant Professor Heather Wizikowski.
A new podcast airs every week on YouTube. Additionally, audio files can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher or TuneIn.
For more information, contact Ashley Jones at (909) 869-5370.