Assessment and Program Review

Abbreviated Program Review

Process for Programs with Specialized/Disciplinary Accreditation

Context for Abbreviated Program Review
In the decade since CPP’s former academic Program Review Guide (AS-2350-910/AP) was adopted in 2010, higher education has devoted considerable thought to the goals and purposes of academic program review. The general consensus of this work is that the review should engage faculty in a collaborative process of evidence-informed reflection that directly leads to specific action plans for improvement of all aspects of the program. CPP’s updated Program Review Policy (AS-2904-201-AP) was adopted in 2020 to reflect such best practices in higher education.

Why is abbreviated program review required?
Abbreviated program review for accredited programs is necessary for a few reasons.
  • It would be duplicative and redundant for accredited programs to undergo a full program review after completing the specialized/disciplinary accreditation process. However, there are aspects of program review that are CSU- and/or institution-specific, and the abbreviated program review will focus on those issues, e.g., GI2025, inclusive polytechnic identity, etc.
  • Updated WSCUC standards require that all degree programs undergo periodic review, which will include analysis of student achievement of the program’s learning outcomes (CFR 2.4).
  • Finally, abbreviated program review for accredited programs is included in the Cal Poly Pomona Policy on Program Review that was adopted by the Academic Senate in 2020 (link (PDF)) to ensure that programs with specialized/disciplinary accreditation are afforded the same benefits as non-accredited programs.
What are the deliverables for program(s)?
Completing the abbreviated program review process will provide accredited programs with the same benefits that non-accredited programs receive when completing a full program review.
  • Program review documentation filed with Academic Senate and Chancellor’s Office notified of completed program review (handled by the Office of Assessment and Program Review)
  • Response/action plan is developed, with an action plan response from the college dean.
  • Meeting with CPP’s provost and dean during which a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is developed to support the program.

Process and Roles:

Rationale: Provide program context for what will be requested as part of the accreditation process; allows for increased efficiency and minimizes duplication of efforts

  • Obtains accreditation self-study requirements from program
  • Reviews accreditation self-study requirements or draft (required: program-context data, e.g., demographics, etc.)
  • Prepares initial supplemental report template for abbreviated program review; uses Crossroads document as a guide.

Rationale: Allow program to focus on accreditation process; program will be engaged with accreditation body and external process with limited bandwidth for internal program review process

  • Provides final accreditation self-study to OAPR
  • Uses final accreditation self study to finalize supplemental report template for abbreviated program review; sends to program

Rationale: Provide program with the smae benefits as non-accredited program in completing program review process that results in MOU with the provost.

  • Completes supplemental report; sends to OAPR
  • Prepares combination self-study document (accreditation self study sections + supplemental report) for PRC internal review
  • Reviews supplemental report template (accreditation self-study is included for reference and context)
  • Conducts internal program review - department meeting
  • Submits internal program review report to OAPR (2 weeks)
  • Sends internal program review report and response/action plan documents to program and college dean
  • Discusses and develops response/action plan
  • Department chair schedules meeting with college dean to discuss
  • Modifies and completes response/action plan; signed by all tenured/tenure-track faculty; sends to college dean and OAPR
  • Writes dean's response; sends to OAPR
  • Files with Academic Senate
  • Notifies Chancellor's Office
  • Schedules MOU meeting with the provost, college dean, and department chair

OAPR: Office of Assessment and Program Review          FF: Faculty Fellow for Program Review          PRC: Program Review Committee

Process and Roles (PDF)
Abbreviated Program Review Process (PDF)
Data Sources for Programs with Specialized Accreditation (PDF)
List of Programs with Specialized Accreditation