Waste & Recycling

Single Stream Recycling
Find Out What Can Go In a Campus Recycle Bin
The campus single stream recycling program allows acceptable material to be placed into a single container. Any recycling receptacle on campus accepts paper, cardboard, beverage containers, newspaper, pizza boxes, shredded paper, chip bags, magazines, etc. Visit the link below to learn more, including what should not be put into a recycle bin.
Learn MoreFood Composting and Green Waste
Food Composting
Pre-consumer waste refers to waste produced in the manufacture of a product. This includes raw material food that is never seen by the consumer (i.e., vegetable peels). Pre-consumer food composting is done at most campus dining facilities, including CenterPointe. Post-Consumer Waste (PCW) refers to waste produced by the end-user of a product (i.e., uneaten food) and can be more challenging because of separation issues.
All food — fruit, vegetables, bread, meat, bones and dairy — can be composted. Kitchen scraps from food preparation, uneaten food and leftover food from diners are placed into biodegradable trash bags and separate outdoor bins. The composting program has cut down from the actual waste, which will take up less area in the landfill.
Green Waste Composting
The Landscape Department collects green waste throughout the campus and places the materials into specialized dumpsters. The waste hauler then recycles the material into mulch.
Using compost is a natural way to build the soil, prevent erosion, and to put nutrients back into the soils where plants can use them, according to the Don B. Huntley College of Agriculture. It is also a part of our efforts to keep green waste out of the landfills and put it back where it belongs-on the farm. Adding compost and building our soil is part of our long-term effort to improve the fields and the crops that are planted here at Cal Poly Pomona.