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Registration: Registering for Courses

Step 3: Registering for Courses

Visit the Registration Guide homepage and find the Unit Enrollment Limits for a particular term under Term Information.

In your BroncoDirect Student Center, find the Registration Window box on the right-hand side. This box will have your start date and time. They are posted about a week in advance of registration. You'll be able to enroll in courses in the timeframe of your registration window. 


To search for classes, click on the Search link in the upper left-hand side of your Student Center. In the Class Search, you must select the term and a subject. This will give you the full course offering listing for this subject. 

To find specific classes, you can put in additional criteria. Many students put in a course number, or search for specific General Education courses. Watch the how-to video below to learn about the additional criteria.

If you're looking for waitlisted sections of a specific course, make sure the "Show Open Courses Only" box is unchecked. 


To access your enrollment shopping cart, click on the Enroll link in your Student Center.

You're able to add courses to your shopping cart before your registration window, but you won't be able to enroll in them before your window begins. Before your window begins, make sure that the courses you've put in your shopping cart are still open. 

To add courses to your shopping cart, enter the course number in the Shopping Cart menu or use the Class Search's Enroll button.

When your window begins, click on Proceed to Step 2 of 3. Confirm that you want to enroll in the courses you've selected, and click on Finish Enrolling. If you need to take co-requisite classes, like PHY 1520 and PHY 1520L, register for them at the same time and make sure the sections you've selected both have open seats. 

The View Results page will confirm that you've successfully enrolled in the course, or give you an error message explaining why you can't enroll. View the GIF below to see the entire process. 

During your registration window, you can drop courses from your schedule if you decide not to take them. To drop a course you're already enrolled in, click on the Drop tab in your Shopping Cart. Select the course(s) you want to drop, and then click on Drop Selected Classes. Confirm your choices, and click on Finish Dropping. 

If a section of a course you want to take is full, you can add yourself to the waitlist. Visit the Registration Guide homepage and find the Unit Enrollment Limits for waitlisting units under Term Information. Waitlisted units count toward your overall enrollment limit. 

To waitlist for a course, use the Class Search and check the "Waitlist if class is full" box. Here are a few things to be aware of about waitlisting: 

  • You cannot waitlist for a class with a corequisite.
    You will not be moved off the waitlist for a class if you are already registered in another section.
    The waitlist is updated hourly through the registration period.
    Be sure to drop any waitlisted classes once you've finalized your schedule to make sure you're not accidentally registered in a course. 
    Check your class schedule in your Student Center for your number on the waitlist.

You may encounter enrollment error messages while registering. Here are some of the most common errors students see. If you have any questions about these error messages, contact the Bronco Advising Center.

Enrollment Error Messages
Enrollment Error Message What to Do
Hold on student's record, add not processed Click on your Holds box in your Student Center to see if there are any holds that might prevent your registration. The Hold details explain how to clear the hold or who to contact.
Invalid registration window and open enrollment period has not begun Double check your registration window day/time in your Enrollment Dates box. 
Requisites not met for class, not enrolled Look at the Registrar's Office requisite error chart
Unit limit exceeded for appointment period You're trying to add a course that exceeds the unit limit for your registration window. 
Time scheduling conflict, student not enrolled in class You're trying to add a course that conflicts with another course in your schedule. You can submit a Schedule Conflict Override Petition, but you need approval from both course instructors. 
Student not enrolled, class full The class is full. You should enroll in a different section, or ask the class instructor for a permission number.
Student not eligible to enroll for term You're not eligible to enroll. If this is an error, contact the Bronco Advising Center.


If you're trying to enroll in a course that is full, requires consent, or requires requisites (pre- or corequisites), you can ask for a class permission number. They are one-use codes and only usable in the term you get them. Depending on the type of permission number, you get it from the course instructor or the academic department. For assistance, contact the Bronco Advising Center

Troubleshooting Enrollment Errors
Enrollment Request Message Request a Permission Number from:
Not enrolled, class is full The course instructor. 
Requisites not met for class, not enrolled Confirm on your Degree Progress Report that you have met the requisites. Then, visit the academic department to request a permission number.
Permission to enroll in this class is required The course instructor.
Instructor consent required to enroll in class, add not processed The course instructor. 

Once you receive a permission number, use the Class Search to find the course. Make sure to uncheck "Show Open Classes Only". Enter the number in the Permission Nbr box. If you have a permission number to override the waitlist, do not select the Wait list if class is full box -- this will deactive the number. If the permission number is successful, the course will be added to your Shopping Cart. 

Before your registration window is over, make sure that you're enrolled in the courses you want to be enrolled in. It's your responsibility to drop any courses you don't want to take. If you're on the waitlist for a course, keep an eye on your Course Schedule to see if you move up the waitlist.