Strike Info

Information on Teamsters Systemwide Strikes Next Week

From: CPP Employee and Org Devel & Advancement <>
Date: January 19, 2024
To: Unit 6 Employees
Subject: Information on Teamsters Systemwide Strikes Next Week

Dear Unit 6 Employees, 

We are aware that Teamsters intends to hold a systemwide strike between January 22 and January 26, 2024, which coincides with the beginning of spring semester at Cal Poly Pomona. Our campus will remain open and operational to support all our students during this time.  

You have the right to withhold work and strike; you also have the right not to strike. This is your personal choice. When an employee strikes, they withhold work for the entire day. It is unlawful to engage in a partial strike (by withholding some but not all work on the same day) or an intermittent strike (by withholding work on some but not all days of the Teamsters strike). Because it would be a misuse of taxpayer dollars to compensate any employee who withholds work, employees who elect to strike are not paid. It is the responsibility of each employee to accurately report their time worked and absences.  

Employees who withhold work may not use sick leave or other accruals to be paid for their absence. If you call out sick during the strike, you will be required to provide medical verification. Any employee who withholds work must report their absence for those days. You must advise the appropriate administrator that you were absent or use the dock code in PeopleSoft, the absence management system at the conclusion of the strike. Any employee who mistakenly misreports time at any time (including in December), should ensure that their absence report is corrected.  

We understand this is a difficult time for CSU employees and honor any decision you make regarding participation in the Teamsters’ strike. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Employee/Labor Relations at  


Kimberly Allain
Senior Associate Vice President
Employee & Organizational Development & Advancement