Strike Info

Information on Next Week’s CFA and Teamsters Strike

From: CPP Employee and Org Devel & Advancement
To: Staff Units 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9
Date: January 17, 2024
Subject: Information on Next Week’s CFA and Teamsters Strike

Dear Staff, 

As you may be aware, the California Faculty Association (CFA), representing professors, lecturers, coaches, librarians, and mental health counselors at the CSU, has called for a work-stoppage strike between January 22 and January 26, 2024, which coincides with the beginning of Spring Semester at Cal Poly Pomona. The Teamsters have similarly announced that they will be on strike during that week. Not all faculty or Teamsters employees will strike. Our campus will remain open and operational to support our students during this time.   

Our colleagues who are engaged in concerted activity have a right to participate in such activities. While they do so, we want to ensure they are respected, and you are also supported in your role at Cal Poly Pomona. As such, I want to provide you with reminders of your work expectations: 

  • You are expected to continue to perform your job duties and come to work each scheduled workday, at your regular time, unless you are granted leave time. If you fail to come to work and have not been granted leave time, you are not entitled to be paid. It is a misuse of taxpayer dollars to compensate any employee who withholds work. 
  • Your collective bargaining agreement may prevent you from participating in a sympathy strike with other unions, and if so, you will not be compensated if you withhold work. If you have questions about sympathy strikes, please contact your union. 
  • There may be picket lines at the entrance to the campus. You are expected to choose an entrance that does not have a picket line or to cross the picket line to enter the campus if it is safe to do so.   

We understand that this may be an unsettling time for CSU employees, and we appreciate your continued service to the university which ultimately benefits almost a half a million students throughout the State of California. We also want to remind you of resources available to you such as CPPLifeMatters by Empathia, which is available on a live basis, 24 hours a day/7 days a week at 800-367-7474. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Employee/Labor Relations & Compliance at


Kimberly Allain
Senior Associate Vice President
Employee & Organizational Development & Advancement