Strike Info

Info About Faculty Union (CFA) Strike Next Week

From: The Office of Faculty Affairs 
Date: January 18, 2024
To: Unit 11 Employees 
Subject: Info About Faculty Union (CFA) Strike Next Week

Dear Unit 11 employees (TAs, Gas, and ISAs),

As you may be aware, the California Faculty Association (CFA), representing professors, lecturers, coaches, librarians, and counselors at the CSU, has called for a work-stoppage strike between January 22 and January 26, 2024, which coincides with the beginning of the Spring Semester at CPP. The Teamsters, who represent our skilled trades workers, have also announced that they will be on strike during that week. Not all faculty or Teamsters represented employee will strike. Our campus will remain open and operational to support our students during this time.

With regard to your work assignment, please reach out to your supervisor this week to determine the details of your work for the week of January 22 through January 26, 2024. If your supervisor is a faculty member, you should contact them to see what work you should be doing. If the faculty member does not respond to you or informs you that you should not work that week, you should contact the Dean, or the administrator for your area, to determine how to proceed with any work assignment.

If you decide not to complete your assigned work that week—for example, to cancel class or a lab as a TA, or not work assigned hours as a GA or ISA—that is an individual choice, but you will not be able to report hours worked for that week as you cannot be paid if you do not work.

There may be picket lines. We acknowledge it can feel uncomfortable to cross a picket line. You are welcome to choose an entrance that does not have one.

We understand that this may be an unsettling time for CSU employees, and we appreciate your continued service to the University which ultimately benefits almost a half a million students throughout the State of California. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact George Tejadilla at or 909-869-2277.

Jill E. Hargis
Interim Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs