Strike Info

Faculty Union (CFA) Announce Strike on December 4-7

From: Employee/Labor Relations
To: Unit 6 Staff
Date: November 21, 2023
Subject: Faculty Union (CFA) Announce Strike on December 4-7

Dear Staff in Unit 6,

As you may be aware, the California Faculty Association (CFA) representing employees at the CSU in Bargaining Unit 3 representing professors, lecturers, coaches, librarians, and counselors at the CSU, have called for a work-stoppage strike on December 4-7 and will be picketing on our campus on December 4. Our campus will remain open during this strike and student instruction and other student services will continue.

You are expected to continue to come to work and to perform your job duties on your scheduled days and at your regular work time unless you have been granted leave time.

There may be picket lines at the entrances to the campus. You are expected to cross this picket line to enter the campus or choose an entrance that does not have a picket line. You are not obligated to provide the members of a picket line with any personal information including your name, your classification, or your job location.

That said, if Teamsters Unit 6 organizes a sympathy strike and you participate, you are not entitled to be paid. You may not use accruals such as vacation or sick time to participate in a strike. If you go on strike, you must advise your supervisor that you were absent and use the dock code in PeopleSoft at the conclusion of the strike. Benefits that are affected by the percentage of time worked during the month other than medical may be affected.

We understand that this will be a difficult day for CSU faculty and employees and we honor any decision you make in regard to participation or non-participation in the strike. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Employee/Labor Relations & Compliance at


Kimberly Allain
Senior Associate Vice President Employee & Organizational Development & Advancement