Strike Info

Message from CSU: Current Offer to CFA

From: University News
To: Faculty; Instructors
Date: November 27, 2023
Subject: Message from CSU: Current Offer to CFA

Dear Faculty:

As you know, the California State University (CSU) has been engaged in negotiations with the California Faculty Association (CFA) since June. We remain committed to continuing our work with the CFA to reach a resolution that is fair to our faculty and sustainable for the CSU.

The following items are contained in the most recent offer to the CFA: 

  • 15% in General Salary Increases (GSIs) over the next three years. This would include 5% in the current year, 5% in 2024-25 and 5% in 2025-26. The increases in 2024 and 2025 depend only on the state honoring the financial commitments that it made in its current multi-year compact with the CSU. 
  • A Post-Promotion Increase (PPI) of 2.65% in fiscal year 2024-25. 
  • A Service Salary Increase (SSI) of 2.65% in fiscal year 2025-26. This SSI is in addition to the 2.65% SSI from the current year. 
  • Eight weeks of paid parental leave, or a one-semester paid workload reduction of 60%. This represents an increase in paid leave from six to eight weeks or an increase in workload reduction from 40% to 60%. This leave or workload reduction benefit is provided without any restrictions. In other words, it would cover any member of the CFA starting on their first day of work.

The pay components of this offer ensure a minimum salary increase of 15% for all faculty over the next three years (subject to the state honoring its existing compact funding commitment). Faculty who are eligible for PPI/SSI increases may receive up to 20.3%. 

We are proud of the agreements that we reached recently with five of our other employee unions. The CSU remains ready to meet with the CFA at any time with the goal of reaching a fair agreement. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to your students, the CSU and its educational mission.


Leora D. Freedman
CSU Vice Chancellor for Human Resources