Alumnus Fred Haley Helps Students Discover Career Possibilities as Professor for a Day

alumnus fred haley


Chemistry students listen with rapt attention as alumnus Fred Haley (’87, chemistry) explains how they’ll apply what they’re learning when they leave Cal Poly Pomona.

“I see Professor for a Day as a way to give back. If you’re an alumni who recognizes what Cal Poly Pomona has done for you then you should try it. I’m inspired by the level of interest from the students. It’s also a lot of fun.” Haley said.

Haley started his academic career at the college of agriculture and though he enjoyed it, he felt chemistry was a better fit and changed his major after the first quarter. He is now the Vice-President for Operations/Western Region at Test America and says CPP prepared him well for his career.

“I learned how to use the equipment here. Everything was very hands-on and I could immediately apply what I was learning.” Haley said. In his case that was conducting gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) volatile analysis at the job he got while still a student.

“I think the undergraduate research opportunities at Cal Poly Pomona are important too. It helps students discover what they like, gain confidence, build their resume, and network. As a guest lecturer I remind students of the importance of networking. I got my first job at Brown and Caldwell through another student in one of my classes.”

Haley was a guest in Assistant Professor Greg Barding’s Quantitative Analysis class. “Professor for a Day creates an opportunity for networking between alumni and current students.”  Barding said. “It makes students aware of more career options and reinforces the practical aspects of the field and important life skills. I’ve been participating for four years now and I’ve had several students tell me how much these visits have helped them.”

“For other professors considering this, yes, you have to give up some class time but there’s tremendous value in it.” Barding said. “The students benefit a lot from these connections. Fred Haley has been very generous in helping students with their resumes and making time for them.”

Haley said, “A few of the students have called and interviewed me for papers they were working on. I think the college is preparing students really well. I like that the classes are still small enough to allow students to work closely with professors and I think the curriculum is spot-on.”

“Alumni serve as examples of how many career options there are. If students are willing to work, build on their experience, and look for opportunity, they’ll be successful but it all starts with discovering what’s possible. Professor for a Day helps them do that.”

Professor for a Day 2019 is scheduled for the week of February 18-22. Participants are invited to a luncheon at the Restaurant at Kellogg Ranch on Thursday February 21, 2019 from 12-1 p.m.


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